This shim intercepts all requests made by a web page using the "fetch" API. If the request method is "PUT", it creates a Nostr event object, signs it, and adds the signed object to the "authorization" header of the request before sending it out. This allows the web page to authenticate the request with Nostr. Otherwise, the shim simply passes the request through to the original "fetch" method.
<script src=""></script>
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = async function(url, options) {
const newOptions = { ...options };
if (newOptions.method === 'PUT') {
const event = {
kind: 27235,
created_at: Math.floor( / 1000),
tags: [['u', url]],
content: ''
const signedEvent = await window.nostr.signEvent(event)
var auth = `Nostr ${btoa(JSON.stringify(signedEvent))}`
newOptions.headers = {
'authorization': auth
return, url, newOptions);