Clean Macbook installation with Mackup restore
- Cloning this repo onto iCloud
- Hardlinking current settings- and config files to iCloud using Mackup (
- Running a clean MacOS installation
- Logging into iCloud
DON'T FORGET unticking the 'Optimise Mac Storage' function within the iCloud Drive options. This function will rename certain files to "file.ext.icloud" and mess up your 'mackup restore' (among other things). AND tick the 'Desktop & Documents Folders' option, otherwise you won't be able to find the Mackup repo in your iCloud.
- Run the '' script from your iCloud drive witin a terminal.
iCloud drive directory can be found here:
/Users/<username>/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
- Xcode
- Homebrew
- Brave Browser
- Firefox
- Thunderbird
- Python
- Packer
- iTerm2
- OhMyZsh (including plugins)
- SublimeText (including plugins)
- Boostnote
- Authy authenticator
- Yubico authenticator
- Lastpass
- Slack
- #Caffeïne
- Aerial screensaver
- Mackup
- Spotify
- #Steam
- #VLC
- Dropbox
- Logitech Options
- Mackup: Restore settings- and config files from iCloud
- SublimeText: Install packages and plugins
- VIM: Get dotfiles from Git, install Vundle and run PluginInstall to get all plugins managed by Vundle
- OhMyZsh: Get dotfiles from Git
- Setup Finder layout