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Go implementation of a simple Wiki.

This code is based on one of the official Golang Tutorials here:

Added features:

  • Index page at / path to show list of available pages.
  • Serve static content under /js and /css.
  • Create/Update page from the Index page.
  • Delete function. It is possible to delete pages from the index page and the view page.
  • Search function. Filter Wiki pages based on the searchterm provided.

Running the application will launch a webserver listening on the port 8888 by default. The default port can be changed by setting a GOWIKI_LISTEN_PORT environment variable.

After running the application open the http://localhost:8888/ URL in a browser or any HTTP client to access the Index page of GoWiki site. Here there is a list of available pages that can be viewed and it is possible to create a new page. Navigation between the Index page and View/Edit are possible via links placed on the sites. Full CRUD functionalites have been implemented.

Directly visiting the http://localhost:8888/view/<page title> URL it is possible to view the content of the <page title>.txt text file under the pages folder defined by GOWIKI_PAGES_PATH environment variable (./pages by default if it is not set). If the title does not exist a Page Not Found page will be presented with a button to create a page with the given title. Similar to the View directly visiting the http://localhost:8888/edit/<page title> URL it is possible to edit the content of the title if exists, otherwise new page can be created.

Covered in this tutorial

  • Creating a data structure with load and save methods
  • Using the net/http package to build web applications
  • Using the html/template package to process HTML templates
  • Using the regexp package to validate user input
  • Using closures

Wiki page data structure

type Page struct {
    Title string
    Body  []byte

Application functions

  1. List pages

At the root path '/' the Index page shows the available Wiki pages. Lists the .txt files under pages folder defined by GOWIKI_PAGES_PATH environment variable (./pages by default if it is not set).

  1. Create pages

By visiting the /view/<page title> or /edit/<page title> URL with a page title that does not exist a new page can be created. In addition to that it is possible to provide a title on the Index page and clicking on the 'Create new page' button.

  1. View pages

To show the content of a page visit /view/<page title> URL. However, on the Index page the titles are links that brings the user to this view.

  1. Edit pages

To edit a Title visit the /edit/<page title> URL or use the 'edit' link on a page viewed.

  1. Delete pages

Delete links are available on the Index page next to the titles and on the view page. This removes the given .txt file under pages folder defined by GOWIKI_PAGES_PATH environment variable (./pages by default if it is not set).

  1. Search pages

It is possible to filter the listed Wiki pages on the Index site by providing a searchterm in the Search pages field or adding ?q=<searchterm> GET parameter to the URL directly.

Building and running the application

$ go build wiki.go
$ ./wiki

This will run the GoWiki application listening on the default port 8888 and will store the pages created under the ./pages folder. This can be changed by setting the following environment variables.

$ export GOWIKI_LISTEN_PORT=<specific port number>
$ export GOWIKI_PAGES_PATH=<path to folder>
$ ./wiki

Building Docker image and running the application in container

$ docker build -t <gowiki:tag> .
$ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 <gowiki:tag>

Choose an appropriate tag <gowiki:tag> for the image based on the application version.

By using the pages_folder build argument it is possible to change the default path where the wiki pages will be stored in the container filesystem. For example, to view and store pages from the /home/pages build the image as follows:

$ docker build -t <gowiki:tag> --build-arg pages_folder=/home/pages .

Running the container with modified port and pages folder path specify the environment variable as follows:

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:<my port> -e GOWIKI_LISTEN_PORT=<my port> -e GOWIKI_PAGES_PATH=<my folder path> <gowiki:tag>