✏️ Plugin: 移除 kanonbot 插件 (#2819) #847
6 errors
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2):
Second argument to "issubclass" must be a class or tuple of classes
"Annotated" is not supported for instance and class checks (reportArgumentType)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2):
Overloaded implementation is not consistent with signature of overload 2
Type "(driver: type[D@combine_driver], *mixins: type[Mixin]) -> (type[D@combine_driver] | type[CombinedDriver])" is incompatible with type "(driver: type[D@combine_driver], _m: type[Mixin], *mixins: type[Mixin]) -> type[CombinedDriver]"
Missing keyword parameter "_m" (reportInconsistentOverload)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2)
2 errors
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1):
Second argument to "issubclass" must be a class or tuple of classes
"Annotated" is not supported for instance and class checks (reportArgumentType)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1):
Overloaded implementation is not consistent with signature of overload 2
Type "(driver: type[D@combine_driver], *mixins: type[Mixin]) -> (type[D@combine_driver] | type[CombinedDriver])" is incompatible with type "(driver: type[D@combine_driver], _m: type[Mixin], *mixins: type[Mixin]) -> type[CombinedDriver]"
Missing keyword parameter "_m" (reportInconsistentOverload)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1)
2 errors