Feature: 添加 pydantic validator 兼容函数 #1338
5 errors
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1):
Argument of type "Literal[123]" cannot be assigned to parameter "bar" of type "str" in function "__init__"
"Literal[123]" is not assignable to "str" (reportArgumentType)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v1)
1 error
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2):
Argument of type "Literal[123]" cannot be assigned to parameter "bar" of type "str" in function "__init__"
"Literal[123]" is not assignable to "str" (reportArgumentType)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2):
Argument of type "(self: Self@TestModel) -> None" cannot be assigned to parameter of type "_AnyModelAfterValidator[_ModelType@model_validator]"
Type "(self: Self@TestModel) -> None" is not assignable to type "_AnyModelAfterValidator[_ModelType@model_validator]"
Type "(self: Self@TestModel) -> None" is not assignable to type "ModelAfterValidator[_ModelType@model_validator]"
Function accepts too many positional parameters; expected 1 but received 2
Function return type "None" is incompatible with type "_ModelType@model_validator"
Type "None" is not assignable to type "Self@TestModel"
Type "(self: Self@TestModel) -> None" is not assignable to type "ModelAfterValidatorWithoutInfo[_ModelType@model_validator]"
Function return type "None" is incompatible with type "_ModelType@model_validator"
Type "None" is not assignable to type "Self@TestModel" (reportArgumentType)
Pyright Lint (pydantic-v2)
2 errors