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A Dart package that converts and formats `DateTime` objects into human-readable 'time ago' strings, such as '20 seconds ago', 'a minute ago', or '7 hours ago'.


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A Dart package that converts and formats DateTime objects into human-readable 'time ago' strings, such as '20 seconds ago', 'a minute ago', or '7 hours ago'. This package provides an easy way to display relative time differences in your Flutter or Dart applications. It supports various time units (seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc.) and automatically adjusts the format based on how recent the event occurred. Ideal for displaying timestamps in news feeds, social media posts, or chat messages.

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Table of Contents

Breaking Changes for the Version ^2.0.0

1. Added justNow Method in Messages Interface

In version 2.0.0, a new method justNow(int seconds) has been added to the Messages interface. This method is responsible for providing a custom message when the elapsed time is less than 15 seconds.

Impact on Custom Implementations:

If you have implemented any custom locales by extending the Messages interface, you will need to update your implementation to include the new justNow method. Failing to implement this method will result in compilation errors.

Example of Custom Locale Update:


class MyCustomMessages implements Messages {
  String prefixAgo() => '';

  String suffixAgo() => 'ago';

  // Implement the other methods here...

After (Version 2.0.0):

class MyCustomMessages implements Messages {
  String prefixAgo() => '';

  String suffixAgo() => 'ago';

  String justNow(int seconds) => 'just now';  // New method

  // Implement the other methods here...

This section explains the breaking change, the impact it has on custom implementations, and provides an example of how to update existing code to comply with the new changes in version ^2.0.0.



Add get_time_ago as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  get_time_ago: ^latest_version


Format any DateTime object into get_time_ago format by following steps:

// Import the plugin
import 'package:get_time_ago/get_time_ago.dart';

// Pass DateTime object as argument in the method
var _dateTime = Duration(minutes: 10)); // [DateTime] object
print(GetTimeAgo.parse(_dateTime)); // 10 minutes ago

// Formatting with locale
print(GetTimeAgo.parse(_dateTime, locale:'es')); // hace 10 minutos

Formatting String as get_time_ago

If you have saved a DateTime object as a String into a variable, database or cloud, then you have to first convert the String into DateTime object and then pass it as argument in parse method of get_time_ago plugin to format it into get_time_ago format by following steps:

// Import the plugin
import 'package:get_time_ago/get_time_ago.dart';

var _timestamp = '2021-05-10 05:21:37.712498'; // [DateTime] formatted as String.
var _convertedTimestamp = DateTime.parse(_timestamp); // Converting into [DateTime] object
var result = GetTimeAgo.parse(_convertedTimestamp);

Setting default locale

If you want to change your default locale, then call setDefaultLocale method and pass the locale code as the argument.

// Import the plugin
import 'package:get_time_ago/get_time_ago.dart';

void initState() {
  GetTimeAgo.setDefaultLocale('fr'); // Sets the default locale to French

Setting Custom Locale & Messages

Implementing and Adding Custom Messages

class CustomMessages implements Messages {
  /// Prefix added before the time message.
  String prefixAgo() => '';

  /// Suffix added after the time message.
  String suffixAgo() => 'ago';

  /// Message when the elapsed time is less than 15 seconds.
  String justNow(int seconds) => 'just now';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is less than a minute.
  String secsAgo(int seconds) => '$seconds seconds';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is about a minute.
  String minAgo(int minutes) => 'a minute';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is in minutes.
  String minsAgo(int minutes) => '$minutes minutes';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is about an hour.
  String hourAgo(int minutes) => 'an hour';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is in hours.
  String hoursAgo(int hours) => '$hours hours';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is about a day.
  String dayAgo(int hours) => 'a day';

  /// Message for when the elapsed time is in days.
  String daysAgo(int days) => '$days days';

  /// Word separator to be used when joining the parts of the message.
  String wordSeparator() => ' ';

Overriding en Locale Messages with Custom Messages

GetTimeAgo.setCustomLocaleMessages('en', CustomMessages());

Supported Languages

  • Arabic
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Persian (Farsi)
  • French
  • Hindi
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Brazil alternate)
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Occitan
  • Korean
  • German
  • Indonesian
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese
  • Romanian
  • Dutch
  • Nepali
  • Italian
  • Open to accept PR for adding more languages


If you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Please follow the guidelines in the file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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