Onsite Health Diagnostic (OHD) is the web application that allow users to predict whether the user has been infected with a menacing disease or not. These diseases can be very dangerous to health if they are not treated properly. The main objective of OHD is to help people predict the disease in case of absence of medical professionals, strikes or any related uncertainties.
Official Documentation of the project
- Pneumonia : Dataset
- Brain tumour : Dataset
- Diabetes : Dataset
- Heart disease : Dataset
- Breast Cancer : Dataset
- Malaria-Detection : - Dataset
git clone git@github.com:Nix-code/Onsite-Health-Diagnostic-OHD.git
- To run on your local machine, make sure you have installed every requirements.
$ export FLASK_APP=app
$ flask run
* Running on
- If you are in a Linux Distribution
$ python3 app.py
Rohan Patankar - Machine Learning & Deployment
Apsara Budhathoki - Web Design & Development
Nishant Banjade - Machine Learning & Deployment