A wrapper around pac4j (www.pac4j.org) built using AkkaHTTP
Here are demo projects showing how to configure akka-http-pac4j:
- For SAML & LDAP: https://github.com/vidma/akka-http-pac4j-demo
- For Keycloak as local SAML IDP: https://cchantep.github.io/akka-pac4j-saml-keycloak-demo/
Many other auth methods supported by pac4j should work too, see: https://github.com/pac4j/play-pac4j-scala-demo/blob/master/app/modules/SecurityModule.scala for more examples
- Set Sonatype account information
- Place in
$HOME/.sbt/(sbt-version 0.13 or 1.0)/sonatype.sbt
the following configuration:
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "oss.sonatype.org", "(Sonatype user name)", "(Sonatype password)")
- Create a PGP key pair:
sbt pgp-cmd gen-key
which should generate an output like...
Please enter the name associated with the key: Developer Please enter the email associated with the key: developer@gmail.com Please enter the passphrase for the key: *************** Please re-enter the passphrase for the key: *************** [info] Creating a new PGP key, this could take a long time. [info] Public key := /Users/developer/.sbt/gpg/pubring.asc [info] Secret key := /Users/developer/.sbt/gpg/secring.asc [info] Please do not share your secret key. Your public key is free to share.
- Send your key to a public Key Server
- Obtain your key id using
sbt pgp-cmd list-keys
which should output...
/Users/developer/.sbt/gpg/pubring.asc ------------------------------------- pub RSA@2048/2bb8c19d 2018-12-03 uid Developer <developer@gmail.com>
- Export your key using
sbt pgp-cmd send-key 2bb8c19d hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com
Sending PublicKeyRing(PublicKey(9884fa162bb8c19d, Developer <developer@gmail.com>, RSA@2048)) to HkpServer(http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371)
- Obtain your key id using
- Place in
- Support links
- Modify the version in
. If the project version has "SNAPSHOT" suffix, your project will be published to the snapshot repository of Sonatypeversion := "0.4.1-SNAPSHOT"
- Publish using
sbt publishSigned