- Homepage: GitHub - niwasawa/twitter-rss-feed-nodejs: TwitterRSSFeed: Twitter RSS feed Node.js library
- twitter-rss-feed - npm
- This library is under development and unstable.
$ npm install twitter-rss-feed
const TwitterRSSFeed = require('twitter-rss-feed');
const trf = new TwitterRSSFeed({
consumer_key: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
consumer_secret: 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
token_secret: 'YOUR_ACCESS_SECRET'
// parameters for Twitter API (GET statuses/user_timeline)
const params = {
'screen_name' : 'YOUR_SCREEN_NAME',
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
// information of RSS feed
const info = {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/YOUR_SCREEN_NAME'
// create RSS feed
const rss = await trf.statuses_user_timeline(params, info);
// parameters for Twitter API (GET favorites/list)
const params = {
'screen_name' : 'YOUR_SCREEN_NAME',
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
// information of RSS feed
const info = {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/YOUR_SCREEN_NAME/likes'
// set this filter to opts.filters
// if you want to extract only the tweets of public user's tweets
const opts = {
'filters': [TwitterRSSFeed.public_users_filter()]
// create RSS feed
const rss = await trf.favorites_list(params, info, opts);
// parameters for Twitter API (Standard search API)
const params = {
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
// information of RSS feed
const info = {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/search?q=SEARCH_QUERY'
// create RSS feed
const rss = await trf.search_tweets(params, info);
// path of Twitter API (Ex. 'statuses/user_timeline')
const path = 'statuses/user_timeline';
// parameters for Twitter API (GET statuses/user_timeline)
const params = {
'screen_name' : 'YOUR_SCREEN_NAME',
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
// get tweet objects
const tweets = await trf.get(path, params);
// information of RSS feed
const info = {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/YOUR_SCREEN_NAME'
// options
const opts = {};
// create RSS feed
const rss = trf.rss(tweets, info, opts);
// parameters for Twitter API (GET statuses/user_timeline)
const params = {
'screen_name' : 'YOUR_SCREEN_NAME',
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
// information of RSS feed
const info = {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/YOUR_SCREEN_NAME'
// create formatter function
const my_formatter = function(tweet) {
const text = tweet.full_text ? tweet.full_text : tweet.text;
return {
title: '@' + tweet.user.screen_name + ': "' + text + '" / Twitter',
description: text,
link: 'https://twitter.com/' + tweet.user.screen_name + '/status/' + tweet.id_str,
date: new Date(tweet.created_at)
// set your formatter to opts.formatter
const opts = {
'formatter': my_formatter
// create RSS feed
const rss = await trf.statuses_user_timeline(params, info, opts);
const promise = trf.statuses_user_timeline({
'screen_name' : 'YOUR_SCREEN_NAME',
'count' : '20',
'tweet_mode' : 'extended'
}, {
'channel' : {
'title' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'description' : 'Your RSS feed title',
'link' : 'https://twitter.com/YOUR_SCREEN_NAME'
.then(function(rss) {
.catch(function(error) {
- TwitterRSSFeed API Reference
- GET statuses/user_timeline — Twitter Developers
- GET favorites/list — Twitter Developers
- Standard search API — Twitter Developers
- Tweet updates — Twitter Developers
- more than 140 characters, tweet_mode=extended, full_text
$ npm install
$ npm test
Specify a local repository directory.
$ npm install ../twitter-rss-feed-nodejs/
$ npm run jsdoc
$ rm package-lock.json
$ rm -r node_modules/
$ npm publish
$ git tag -a vX.X.X -m "YOUR TAGGING MESSAGE"
$ git push origin tags/vX.X.X
The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.