A repo for the CODOHOLIC project.
This project is aimed at making coders type faster
why choose this over traditonal typing websites?
- code snippets as samplet text
- choice of preferred programming languages
- finger indicator
- progress tracking
- install node
- create a mongoDB atlas account
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/nitishvelu/webtechpro.git
npm install
cd client
npm install
- Rename the file /config/Xdefault.json to default.json
- Get the api keys from mongodb and paste them in the defaut.json in the particular mongoURI field
- dont forget to remove the tag and replace it with the user password
the following bash commands opens the front end server(react) on localhost port 3000 and the backend on port 5000
cd ..
npm run dev
use postman for testing out the backend api