- Replace variable from code a. << aws account number >> b. << aws region >>
- Add secret to Github to perform github action on push changes to main branch.
Doc - https://github.com/aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login Secret name - ECR_ACTION_ROLE
- create ECR repo and IAM role on AWS console
IAM - check doc https://github.com/aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login ECR repo - nitin-the-remote-testing
- Review Devops ReadMe file under devops folder
- devops a. contains all devops CI/CD related stuff 1. helm - helm charts for application deployment
- .github/workflows a. cotnains github action definations
- package a. contains application related code
- Github action will only perform based on branch and path condition
branches: - main paths: - 'package/app/**' - ''