Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Learning by Sorting: Self-supervised Learning with Group Ordering Constraints". In ICCV 2023
by Nina Shvetsova, Felix Petersen, Anna Kukleva, Bernt Schiele, Hilde Kuehne.
[arxiv] / [paper] / [supplement]
Contrastive learning has become an important tool in learning representations from unlabeled data mainly relying on the idea of minimizing distance between positive data pairs, e.g., views from the same images, and maximizing distance between negative data pairs, e.g., views from different images. This paper proposes a new variation of the contrastive learning objective, Group Ordering Constraints (GroCo), that leverages the idea of sorting the distances of positive and negative pairs and computing the respective loss based on how many positive pairs have a larger distance than the negative pairs, and thus are not ordered correctly. To this end, the GroCo loss is based on differentiable sorting networks, which enable training with sorting supervision by matching a differentiable permutation matrix, which is produced by sorting a given set of scores, to a respective ground truth permutation matrix. Applying this idea to groupwise pre-ordered inputs of multiple positive and negative pairs allows introducing the GroCo loss with implicit emphasis on strong positives and negatives, leading to better optimization of the local neighborhood. We evaluate the proposed formulation on various self-supervised learning benchmarks and show that it not only leads to improved results compared to vanilla contrastive learning but also shows competitive performance to comparable methods in linear probing and outperforms current methods in k-NN performance.
For all models backbone=ResNet50, batch size=1024. More checkpoints can be found here (all checkpoints with one zip file here (4.4Gb)).
Method | PT epochs | Views | k-NN (k=20) | Lin.p.(Top-1) | Checkpoint |
GroCo | 100 | 2 x 224 | 60.5 | 69.2 | link |
GroCo | 200 | 2 x 224 | 62.9 | 70.4 | link |
GroCo | 400 | 2 x 224 | 63.6 | 71.1 | link |
GroCo | 800 | 2 x 224 | 65.3 | 71.2 | link |
GroCo | 100 | 4 x 224 | 61.8 | 69.6 | link |
GroCo | 200 | 4 x 224 | 63.6 | 70.6 | link |
GroCo | 400 | 4 x 224 | 64.8 | 71.3 | link |
GroCo | 100 | 2x224+6x96 | 62.3 | 71.8 | link |
GroCo | 200 | 2x224+6x96 | 64.2 | 72.9 | link |
GroCo | 400 | 2x224+6x96 | 65.2 | 73.7 | link |
GroCo | 800 | 2x224+6x96 | 66.1 | 73.9 | link |
conda create python=3.7 -y -n learning_by_sorting
conda activate learning_by_sorting
conda install -y pytorch==1.10.2 torchvision==0.11.3 torchaudio==0.10.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install -y scikit-learn
pip install webdataset==0.1.103 tqdm psutil sacred humanize neptune-client==0.14.2 neptune-contrib==0.28.1
pip install diffsort
For efficient I/O operations, we use WebDataset for data storing and data loading.
However, the code also supports ImageNet stored in a conventional way (see configs/examples/imagenet_folders.yaml
as the config example).
- Download the ImageNet dataset from to
(ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar, ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar, ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar files) - (Optional, but highly recommended) Preprocess ImageNet into tar files with WebDataset convention:
python preprocessing/ --input data/imagenet/original --output data/imagenet/processed
(After this, data/imagenet/processed
should have subfolder train
and val
This repository uses yaml files to keep all hyperparameters. The configs
folder contains configs for training and evaluation.
This repository uses Sacred with a for logging and tracking experiments. If you want to activate this:
- Create a account.
- Create a project, copy in your credentials (api_token, project_name) in
- Add --neptune key to the training
Evaluation of k-nearest neighbors classifier should be run on single GPU with 48Gb gpu memory (but uncommenting "compute_sim_on_cpu: true" in eval_knn.yaml will significantly reduce GPU memory usage). Note that the code does not support multi-GPU setup for k-NN evaluation with full-scale ImageNet (1.2M images).
python \
--config configs/eval_knn.yaml \
--resume pretrained/2views_100ep/latest_model.pth \
--name eval_knn_2views_100ep \
--gpu 0 \
We also perform "online" k-NN evaluation during training using only 30k examples as supervision, see KNNEvaluator
in training configs.
Example (multi-gpu):
export MASTER_PORT=12345
export WORLD_SIZE=4
export MASTER_ADDR=localhost
torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=${WORLD_SIZE} \ \
--distributed \
--world-size ${WORLD_SIZE} \
--config configs/eval_linear_probing.yaml \
--resume pretrained/2views_100ep/latest_model.pth \
-name eval_lp_2views_100ep \
This repository supports both multi-gpu training (with DistributedDataParallel) and single-gpu training.
A typical command to pre-train ResNet50 on 4 GPUs on one machine (memory utilization: ~28GB on each GPU for 2 views setup):
export MASTER_PORT=12345
export WORLD_SIZE=4
export MASTER_ADDR=localhost
torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=${WORLD_SIZE} \ \
--distributed \
--world-size ${WORLD_SIZE} \
--config configs/2views_100ep.yaml \
export MASTER_PORT=12345
export WORLD_SIZE=4
export MASTER_ADDR=$(scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" | head -n 1)
srun python \
--distributed \
--world-size ${WORLD_SIZE} \
--config configs/2views_100ep.yaml \
python \
--config configs/examples/example.yaml \
--gpu 0 \
To resume training from the checkpoint use --resume
torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=${WORLD_SIZE} \ \
--distributed \
--world-size ${WORLD_SIZE} \
--config configs/2views_100ep.yaml \
--resume pretrained/2views_100ep/latest_model.pth \
The main structure of the code is based on, which is licensed under MIT.
The code in,, is partly derived from,, and is licensed under and Apache License 2.0 or BSD-3.
All other code is licensed under MIT. All license clauses are in the LICENSE file.
If you use this code in your research, please cite:
title = {Learning by Sorting: Self-supervised Learning with Group Ordering Constraints},
author = {Shvetsova, Nina and Petersen, Felix and Kukleva, Anna and Schiele, Bernt and Kuehne, Hilde},
journal = {ICCV},
year = {2023},