Suduko SAT solver
creating a program that takes the input, converts it into SAT readable format.
9x9 = 81 characters. 1-9, and a "wild card", which maybe 0, ., *, ?
May have arbitrary whitespace.
Standard SAT-challenge formula
c This is a Comment
p cnf <# variables> <# clauses>
<list of clauses>
Take the output of the FIRST PART, run performance on is vs these three things: � A comparison of performance for
1. Different encodings
2. Different SAT solvers
3. Non-SAT approaches
Encodings: Minimal:
-There is at least one number in each entry -Each number appears at most once in each row -Each number appears at most once in each column -Each number appears at most once in each 3x3 sub-grid
-There is at most one number in each entry
-Each number appears at least once in each row
-Each number appears at least once in each column
-Each number appears at least once in each 3�3 sub-grid
Are there any other Encodings?
SAT Solvers:
List of them here:
Non-Sat Sovlers:
At very least, Any other suduko solvers we can find.
Performance: Bassed off Average Speed & Number of trials completed. So just a normal table...? Check out nodvigs analysis. Mean Time, Avg Time, STD deviation.