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Scss Query

Simple and memorizeable @media queries helper function; build query strings defining a mode and a breakpoint name.


// Set custom breakpoints
$query-breakpoints: (
  'tall':    500px,
  'grande':  900px,
  'venti':  1400px

// @import query function

// Profit
@media (query(min, tall)) {
  body::before { content: "only at screens with a min-width of 500px"; }

Protip: Use @include query(init, $query-breakpoints) to (re)initialize query() function whenever you want. Refer to the API for an overview of all the available runtime manipulation mixins.


The recommended installation method is Bower but you can manually install query() function as well.

Install using NPM

$ npm install --save scss-query

Install using Bower

$ bower install --save scss-query

Install via file download

You can always just download this repository into your project and @import it.


The initial example should cover pretty much everything there is to know for basic usage. But let's quick-start you even more:

// v4
$query-breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints;

// v3
$query-breakpoints: (
  'xs': $screen-xs-min,
  'sm': $screen-sm-min,
  'md': $screen-md-min,
  'lg': $screen-lg-min
// v6
$query-breakpoints: $breakpoints;

Function query( mode , size )

Parameter mode

Mode can be one of the following:

  • min - Min breakpoints
  • max - Max breakpoints
  • only - Min and max breakpoints

In case mode is max or only 1px will be substracted from max breakpoint value to prevent conflicting breakpoints. If breakpoint value is not in pixels, conversion will be handled trough a function named after breakpoint value unit – for em there is a fallback integrated.

If mode is only, max size will be next breakpoint in context.

Parameter size

Key in $query-breakpoints.

query() function ships with a list of common screen sizes as default breakpoints. These are just for a quick start and it is recommended to change them to fit your design.


Defaults are in pixels. However, if you want to use another value like em you can do that too. Remember to set $query-breakpoints before importing query() function in order to overwrite the defaults.

$query-breakpoints: (
  'micro':   320px,
  'mini':    480px,
  'small':   768px,
  'medium':  960px,
  'large':  1440px,
  'huge':   2560px,
  'giant':  5120px
) !default;


The API allows for runtime manipulation of query() context. The following methods are provided as mixin via @include query($method, $args...):

Method Description
add Add a new breakpoint
remove Remove an existing breakpoint
set Set one or multible existing breakpoints at once
reset Reset context (aka remove all breakpoints)
init Initialise query function by passing a map
use Use a breakpoint while in mixin's @content

See query/_api.scss for documentation on the individual mixins.


As an open-source project, contributions are more than welcome, they're extremely helpful and actively encouraged. In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt. If you see any room for improvement, open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is provided under the terms of the MIT License.

Authored by Nicolas Müller Noulezas · Github · Twitter · CodePen


Simple and memorizeable mediaqueries helper function







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