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103 lines (89 loc) · 3.59 KB

NOTE: under construction

Monte Carlo tree search Tic-Tac-Toe AI

An AI agent that can play Tic-Tac-Toe (or other games) using Monte Carlo tree search, and an interface for playing against it, written in Rust.

$ cargo run

Starting a game

   a b c
0  . . .
1  . . .
2  . . .

Enter a move (like "a0"):

   a b c
0  . . .
1  . o .
2  . . .

P2 MCTSAgent is thinking...

   a b c
0  x . .
1  . o .
2  . . .


  • Reports estimated score, number of playouts, and time spent for move evaluations
  • Can use the interface to play against the AI, have it play against itself, or play against another human player (change agent1 and agent2 in
  • Can tweak the strength of the AI by setting the maximum amount of simulated playouts per turn (change PLAYOUT_BUDGET constant)
  • Multiple agents
    • MCTSAgent
      • Stores an internal tree of possible game states
      • Retains states from previous moves
      • Based on pbsinclair42/MCTS
    • ForgetfulSearchAgent (not a Monte Carlo search agent)
      • With a playout budget (number of theoretical games for the AI to play until a win/loss/draw per turn) of 1,000,000, it plays normal BOARD_SIZE = 3 Tic-Tac-Toe (as well as 4) optimally, usually does fairly well at 5
        • With normal Tic-Tac-Toe, the number of possible games is 9! or 362,880, which is less than this budget, so it is able to evaluate every possible game state at any move
      • Multithreaded
        • Can compute roughly 6-7 million playouts/sec on a 5x5 board (maximum game move depth of 25) with a six-core Ryzen 2600 and --release build
      • Only has purely random tree search for move evaluation
    • HumanAgent
      • Lets the user choose moves through a CLI user interface
    • RandomAgent
      • Just chooses random moves
  • Can also play Ty Overby's "Four-not-three" hex grid game (replace TicTacToeBoard with FourNotThreeBoard)
    • Goal is to get four of your pieces in a row, but if you get only three, you lose
  a b c d e
0      . . . 0
 1    . . . . 1
  2  . o . . . 2
   3  . . x .   3
    4  . . .     4
        a b c d e


  • Allow MCTSAgent to create threads inside nested child nodes, not just at the root level, otherwise we're not utilizing our possible maximum playouts
  • Detect symmetrical game states
  • Tree pruning heuristics
    • Example: explore moves that block the opponent from getting (board size - 1) pieces in a single row/column/diagonal first
  • Let AI choose its own heuristics
    • Train it against itself
    • Look for patterns in the winning AI's play
      • Example: board is in a certain generalizable, non-exact state and the winning AI usually chose a certain move or pattern of moves
    • During move evaluation, play out these good moves before random ones
  • Generalize the agent to more than just Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Requires domain-specific functions:
      • Get valid moves from a given game state
      • Score the end state of the game
      • Optionally, a heuristic function that will tell the agent which moves it should explore first
    • Other games to target:
      • Omok(Gomoku)
      • Chess - mainly to pit it against the multitude of other AIs
      • Something not 2D-grid based?
  • Match recordings
    • Write during a match to a file, replay in UI through a pair of RecordedAgents
  • Command line flags for changing board size, player types, playout budget parameters
  • Tests (maybe this should be higher in the list)