All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.0.0 (2020-08-20)
- Add support for parameterless client creation using the application default credentials (750e7fa)
0.16.0 (2020-08-01)
- Add support for creating a client with environment variables (23592ea)
0.15.6 (2020-07-16)
- Vulnerabilities (dad75b7)
0.15.5 (2020-06-14)
- Use user provided Content-Type for multipart object puts if provided. (8ef4c14)
0.15.4 (2020-03-18)
- travis deploy + vulnerabilities (646b1b1)
0.15.3 (2019-11-07)
- Some popular file extensions are not supported (e.g., '.webp') (c29b4a6)
0.15.2 (2019-10-27)
- Cannot set the 'Cache-Control' header when uploading file to bucket (18fb1dc)
0.15.1 (2019-10-27)
- Add support for setting up file's headers add upload time. (848e458)
0.15.0 (2019-10-27)
- Add support for adding custom headers. (5a620f7)
0.14.8 (2019-10-23)
- 2 vulnerabilities (1 high, 1 critical) (91b0ace)
0.14.7 (2019-07-22)
- Vulnerability issues reported by github and npm (37082ff)
0.14.6 (2019-06-01)
0.14.5 (2019-04-25)
- Deleting folder does not work if the folder contains an extension (084378f)
0.14.4 (2019-04-24)
- The content type of object request with undefined extension cannot not be explicitely set (a7b3763)
0.14.3 (2019-04-23)
- Add better error handling for bucket creation (b16fc47)
0.14.2 (2019-04-22)
- Add support for validating a bucket's name (95fe753)
0.14.1 (2019-04-22)
0.14.0 (2019-04-22)
- Add support for partial repsonse on the list API (42bd5f1)
0.13.2 (2019-04-10)
- Add support for filtering files using globbing (a163923)
0.13.1 (2019-04-10)
- Add support for returning the number of files deleted when a bucket is deleted (0856e08)
0.13.0 (2019-04-10)
- Add support to delete a folder under a bucket (0a32e6e)
0.12.5 (2019-04-04)
- Deleting a bucket with the 'force' option fails when a token is also passed to as an option (c5dbc30)
0.12.4 (2019-04-04)
- Add support for deleting non-empty buckets (686c8e5)
0.12.3 (2019-04-03)
- Console.log each time an object is being deleted (b9ce0db)
0.12.2 (2019-04-02)
- Add support 'insertFile' which allows to upload a file on local machine to Google Cloud Storage (e110674)
0.12.1 (2019-04-02)
- Add support for deleting objects (503f94e)
0.12.0 (2019-03-31)
- Add support for listing all buckets and support for accepting external OAuth2 token (10c55a5)
0.11.4 (2019-02-19)
- Fail to insert a non-truthy number or boolean in a bucket file (c8181e6)
0.11.3 (2019-02-19)
- Fail to add non truthy value to a file (c16fe07)
0.11.2 (2019-02-12)
- .txt and .md files are no set to the correct content type (675cf21)
0.11.1 (2019-02-11)
- Listing files in bucket only return 1000 items (74e7826)
0.11.0 (2019-02-08)
0.10.0 (2019-02-08)
- Add support for event handlers during the zipping process (6872e77)
0.9.2 (2019-01-28)
- Remove unecessary logging (f50686f)
0.9.1 (2019-01-28)
0.9.0 (2019-01-28)
0.8.0 (2019-01-28)
- Add support for zipping a bucket or a bucket's folder and optionally storing that zip locally and/or in another bucket (8ca52b8)
0.7.0 (2019-01-22)
0.6.1 (2019-01-22)
- Add contentEncoding option to insert. (d34e54b)
0.6.0 (2019-01-13)
- Add support for configuring websitea bucket as a website (252cfd2)
0.5.4 (2018-12-19)
- Not found file does not return null (59eb808)
0.5.3 (2018-12-12)
- Add support for listing all files metadata (70ac656)
0.5.2 (2018-12-10)
0.5.1 (2018-12-10)
0.5.0 (2018-12-10)
- Add support for configuring the retry timout (6fcf1c4)
0.4.6 (2018-12-09)
- Wrap the getBucket and the objectExists in s retry function (f4ffe8c)
0.4.5 (2018-12-09)
0.4.4 (2018-12-09)
0.4.3 (2018-12-09)
- Checking if files exists always return true if the bucket exists (3912457)
0.4.2 (2018-12-09)
- Add support for creating and deleting buckets (6910f0b)
0.4.1 (2018-12-09)
- Add support for downloading files (b1a522f)
0.4.0 (2018-12-09)
- Add support for downloading files (37af209)
0.3.8 (2018-12-08)
0.3.7 (2018-12-08)
- publicUri is using component encoding on the entire bucket pathname rather each individual path component (50eeabf)
0.3.6 (2018-12-08)
- Add new field 'publicUri' on the response of a file insert (22124c5)
0.3.5 (2018-12-07)
- Does not support uploading images or files (5194d1f)
0.3.4 (2018-12-06)
- Add support for disabling CORS on a bucket (3e09b15)
0.3.3 (2018-12-06)
- Add explicit API to manage CORS on a bucket (185956e)
0.3.2 (2018-12-05)
- isPublic API fails (29f7db5)
0.3.1 (2018-12-05)
0.3.0 (2018-12-05)
0.2.1 (2018-12-05)
- Add bucket specific API (3072773)
0.2.0 (2018-11-26)
- Add support for removing public access on object and on buckets (ece2a3b)
0.1.5 (2018-11-25)
- storage.config should not return a promise (f7ecc24)
0.1.4 (2018-11-25)
- Add support for updating a bucket's config as well as gettnig that config (8de1577)
0.1.3 (2018-11-25)
- The .xml extension uses the wrong mime type (be4e826)
0.1.2 (2018-11-25)
- Add support for custom headers (51eb3b3)
0.1.1 (2018-11-21)
- Add support for adding public static files (d148a95)
0.1.0 (2018-11-16)
- Add support for retrieving object from a bucket + update API (855d52f)
0.0.2 (2018-11-11)
- Add support for throwing an exception if access denied (aa76923)
- Add support for adding an object to a bucket (3b5ac29)