a browser demo / digital poem / scream saver
made for BrowserFest
copyright 2021 Milton Läufer & Nick Montfort
aka axaxaxas & nom de nom of TROPE
copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notice and this notice are preserved. this file is offered as-is,
without any warranty.
dedicated to Mark Klink
the text transformation concept, though discordant, was inspired by
the much more pleasant Translation by John Cayley, see
the texts are approximate (glitched?) quotations from well-known stories
thanks to Alexia Manzano-Schlamp for her help with the German text!
the CC0 (public domain) image, which was without attribution, is from
the music/sound, pre-glitching, originated with Nick's
the existence of this GitHub repository should not indicate to anyone
that we are maintaining this AT ALL! feel free to fork, of course...