Authenticates using OIDC and displays the claims from the ID token.
Example usage:
oidc-claims \
-auth-url \
-token-url \
-client-id CLIENT_ID \
-client-secret CLIENT_SECRET \
-scopes openid,profile,email \
-local-server-port 8000
"iss": "",
"sub": "11",
"aud": "[REDACTED]",
"exp": 1732271262,
"iat": 1732271142,
"auth_time": 1732270319,
"sub_legacy": "[REDACTED]",
"name": "my_user",
"nickname": "my_user",
"preferred_username": "my_user",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"profile": "",
"picture": "[REDACTED]",
"groups_direct": [
By default, the underlying library uses a dynamic server port. By specifying -local-server-port
, you can specify a fixed port which can be used in the redirect URI.
Add -debug
to display messages from the underlying libraries.
go install
This is based on the excellent example project included with the oauth2cli project.