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Refactor Architecture for Modularity, Testability, and Race-Free Execution #36

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This pull request encapsulates a comprehensive refactoring of the EUI-64 Calculator codebase in the lint-refactor branch, enhancing modularity, testability, and ensuring race-free test execution for CI compliance. Below is a breakdown of the key architectural changes:

Architectural Changes

1. Modularized Core Logic

  • Validator Consolidation:
    • Unified separate validator files (mac_validator.go, ipv6_prefix_validator.go) into validators.go under a single CombinedValidator struct.
    • Split ValidateIPv6Prefix into helper functions (validateHextets, isValidHextetChar) to reduce cyclomatic complexity from 14 to below 10, addressing cyclop lint warnings.
  • EUI-64 Logic Split:
    • Decomposed eui64.go into calculator.go (core calculation and interface) and utils.go (IPv6 string formatting), with errors centralized in validators/errors.go for reuse and clarity.
  • Dependency Injection:
    • Reworked handlers.go to use interfaces (Validator, Calculator, Renderer, RequestContext) with a Handler struct, enabling flexible dependency injection and improved testability.

2. Restructured Test Suite

  • Subdirectory Organization:
    • Migrated tests from root-level _test.go files (e.g., handlers_test.go, eui64_test.go) into tests/ subdirectories across packages (cmd/server, internal/app, etc.), splitting them into focused files (e.g., calculate_valid_test.go, mac_test.go) for better granularity.
  • Helper Functions:
    • Introduced helpers.go in each tests/ subdirectory (e.g., assertEUI64Result, prepareCalcRequest) to centralize common logic, reducing duplication and ensuring consistency.
  • Mocking Framework:
    • Added internal/handlers/mocks/ with mock implementations (Calculator, Renderer, etc.) to isolate handler tests, replacing inline mocks with reusable components.
  • Parallel Execution:
    • Optimized tests with t.Parallel() for efficiency, adjusting load_config_test.go to use t.Setenv() sequentially to comply with Go 1.24 restrictions and use testing lint rules.

3. Linting and Race Condition Fixes

  • Complexity Reduction:
    • Reduced ValidateIPv6Prefix complexity from 14 to <10, fixing cyclop.
  • Function Length:
    • Split TestTrustedProxies into a helper (runProxyTestCase), dropping from 63 to ~40 lines to resolve funlen warnings (max 60).
  • Race Elimination:
    • Moved gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) to main.go for production runtime, avoiding the GIN_MODE env var.
    • Removed gin.SetMode() and gin.ForceConsoleColor() from SetupRouter (server.go) and setupRouter (helpers.go), eliminating concurrent writes to Gin’s global state during parallel tests.
  • Error Handling:
    • Centralized errors (e.g., ErrParseMACFailed, ErrSetTrustedProxies) for clarity and updated assertions (e.g., assertValidationError) to use Contains for wrapped errors.

4. UI Enhancements

  • Structured Templates:
    • Updated result.templ to use a ResultData struct, replacing individual parameters for better type safety and clarity.
  • Improved Testing:
    • Enhanced ui_test.go with TestResultValid and TestResultError, adding detailed helper assertions (assertDocValid, assertDocError) for comprehensive UI validation.


These changes result in a modular, race-free codebase with 100% test coverage in tested packages. Linting issues (cyclop, funlen, usetesting, paralleltest) are resolved, and remaining coverage gaps in non-test packages (0% in cmd/server, internal/app, etc.) can be addressed in future iterations. The application now defaults to release mode in production via main.go, with stable, parallelized tests ensuring reliability.

Introduce the main entry point for the EUI-64 Calculator server in cmd/server/main.go.
This commit establishes the basic structure by importing the internal/app package
and creating an App instance to run the server. Error handling is implemented using
log.Fatalf to ensure failures are logged and terminate execution. This serves as
the foundation for the lint-refactor branch, where subsequent commits will focus
on enhancing test coverage and adhering to linting standards across the project.
No lint-specific changes are applied here, as the file is minimal and compliant,
allowing focus to shift to test refactoring in later commits.
Introduce helper functions in cmd/server/tests/helpers.go to support route testing
for the EUI-64 Calculator server. This commit adds setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest,
and testRoute to standardize test setup and assertions across routing tests.
The setupRouter function configures a Gin engine with default dependencies, while
prepareRouteRequest creates HTTP requests, and testRoute performs response checks.
These helpers reduce test boilerplate and ensure consistency, aligning with the
lint-refactor branch’s goal of improving test structure and maintainability.
Initial implementation focuses on functionality; subsequent commits may address
linting refinements (e.g., funlen, cyclop) as needed.
Delete cmd/server/main_test.go as part of the lint-refactor branch cleanup.
This file, previously containing tests for the main server entry point, is no
longer necessary following the restructuring of test coverage. Functionality
testing has been consolidated into internal/app/tests/ (e.g., run_test.go,
integration_test.go), which better encapsulate the App struct’s behavior.
Removing this file reduces test redundancy, simplifies the project structure,
and aligns with linting goals by eliminating unused or outdated test code.
No new functionality is affected, as main.go remains a thin wrapper around App.
Introduce cmd/server/tests/proxies_test.go to validate trusted proxy handling
in the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This commit
adds TestTrustedProxies with three test cases: no trusted proxies, valid trusted
proxy, and invalid proxy format. The test leverages helper functions
(createProxyConfig, testProxySetup, testProxyRequest) to ensure consistent setup
and assertions. Refactoring splits the test logic into a separate runProxyTestCase
helper, reducing the main function’s length from 63 to ~40 lines to address the
funlen lint warning (max 60). This aligns with the branch’s goals of enhancing
test coverage, improving maintainability, and adhering to linting standards.
Introduce cmd/server/tests/routes_calculate_test.go to test the /calculate POST
endpoint for valid inputs in the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the
lint-refactor branch. This commit adds TestCalculateRouteValid with a single test
case verifying a successful calculation from a valid MAC address and IPv6 prefix.
The test leverages helper functions (setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest, testRoute)
from helpers.go to streamline setup and assertions, ensuring consistency across
the test suite. The implementation uses t.Parallel() for parallel execution,
enhancing test efficiency while adhering to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60).
This strengthens endpoint coverage and aligns with the branch’s focus on
structured, maintainable tests.
Introduce cmd/server/tests/routes_home_test.go to test the root (/) GET endpoint
of the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This commit
adds TestHomeRoute with two test cases: a successful GET request to the home page
(expecting "EUI-64 Calculator" and 200 OK) and a request to a nonexistent path
(expecting "404 page not found" and 404 Not Found). The test uses helper functions
(setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest, testRoute) from helpers.go to ensure consistent
setup and assertions. Parallel execution via t.Parallel() enhances test efficiency,
and the file adheres to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This improves route
coverage and supports the branch’s goal of structured, maintainable tests.
Introduce cmd/server/tests/routes_invalid_test.go to test the /calculate POST
endpoint for invalid inputs in the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the
lint-refactor branch. This commit adds TestCalculateRouteInvalid with a single
test case verifying the handling of an invalid MAC address, expecting a 200 OK
response with an "error-message" in the body. The test utilizes helper functions
(setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest, testRoute) from helpers.go for consistent
setup and assertions. Parallel execution via t.Parallel() ensures test efficiency,
and the file adheres to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This enhances error
handling coverage and aligns with the branch’s focus on structured, maintainable
Introduce cmd/server/tests/routes_static_test.go to test the /static endpoint for
serving static files in the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor
branch. This commit adds TestStaticRoute with a single test case verifying that a
GET request to "/static/styles.css" returns a 200 OK response with "body" in the
content. The test leverages helper functions (setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest,
testRoute) from helpers.go for consistent setup and assertions. Parallel execution
via t.Parallel() improves test efficiency, and the file meets linting standards
(e.g., funlen < 60). This ensures static file serving is validated, supporting the
branch’s goal of comprehensive, maintainable test coverage.

Introduce internal/app/app.go to encapsulate the EUI-64 Calculator’s core application logic as part of the lint-refactor branch.
This commit defines the App struct with dependency injection via function fields (LoadConfig, GinNew, RunEngine, SetupRouter), allowing flexible configuration and testing.
The NewApp constructor sets default implementations from internal packages (config, gin, server), while the Run method orchestrates startup using these dependencies.
A DefaultPort constant (:8080) is added for consistency.
This modular design supports the branch’s focus on maintainability
and testability, with no lint-specific changes applied yet—subsequent commits will refine tests in internal/app/tests/ to leverage this structure.
Introduce internal/app/tests/helpers.go to provide a reusable assertion helper for
testing the App struct’s Run method in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
assertRunError, a function that checks error conditions from Run based on expected error presence and optional specific error matching. It uses testify/require for consistent assertions, reducing test duplication in files like run_test.go. This supports the branch’s goal of enhancing test maintainability and clarity, with a lean implementation (~15 lines) that adheres to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60).
Future commits will leverage this helper to validate App behavior across test cases.
Introduce internal/app/tests/integration_test.go to perform integration testing
of the router setup process in the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the
lint-refactor branch. This commit adds TestRouterSetupIntegration, which tests
the full HTTP flow for the root (/) GET and /calculate POST endpoints using a
real HTTP server instance. It configures a Gin router with default dependencies
(config.LoadConfig, handlers, validators, etc.) and verifies 200 OK responses for
valid requests. The test uses t.Parallel() for efficiency and testify/require for
assertions, aligning with the branch’s focus on comprehensive, maintainable test
coverage. The ~70-line implementation adheres to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60).
Introduce internal/app/tests/run_test.go to test the App struct’s Run method in
the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
TestRun with four test cases: successful run, config load error, router setup error,
and router run error. It uses dependency injection to mock LoadConfig, SetupRouter,
and RunEngine, with test cases split into a runTestCase helper (~60 lines) to keep
TestRun concise (~40 lines), addressing potential funlen concerns. Parallel execution
via t.Parallel() enhances efficiency, and testify/require ensures robust assertions
via assertRunError from helpers.go. This strengthens core logic testing and supports
the branch’s goal of structured, lint-compliant tests.
Introduce internal/eui64/calculator.go to implement the core EUI-64 calculation
logic for the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This
commit defines the Calculator interface and DefaultCalculator struct, with the
CalculateEUI64 function handling MAC-to-EUI-64 conversion and IPv6 address construction.
It includes helper functions (generateInterfaceID, parsePrefix, constructFullIP,
fillEUI64Hextet) for modularity, integrating with IP6ToString from utils.go. Error
handling uses custom errors (e.g., ErrParseMACFailed) for clarity. The ~130-line file
is foundational, with no lint-specific changes applied yet—subsequent commits may address cyclop or funlen if needed, while tests in internal/eui64/tests/ validate this implementation.
Remove internal/eui64/eui64.go as part of the lint-refactor branch restructuring.
This file previously contained the monolithic EUI-64 calculation logic, which has
been refactored into calculator.go (core calculation and interface) and utils.go
(IPv6 string formatting) for better modularity and maintainability. The split
reduces function complexity (e.g., addressing potential cyclop issues) and aligns
with Go best practices for separation of concerns. Tests have been migrated to the
internal/eui64/tests/ subdirectory (e.g., calculate_valid_test.go,
calculate_invalid_test.go), rendering this file redundant. This deletion supports
the branch’s goal of improving code structure and test organization.
Remove internal/eui64/eui64_test.go as part of the lint-refactor branch cleanup.
This file previously housed tests for eui64.go, which have been refactored and split
into internal/eui64/tests/ (calculate_valid_test.go, calculate_invalid_test.go,
ip6tostring_test.go) for better granularity and maintainability. The new structure
uses a tests/ subdirectory with helper functions (helpers.go), reducing test
duplication and improving organization. Parallel execution (t.Parallel()) is now
standard across these tests, enhancing efficiency. This deletion eliminates
redundant test code, aligning with the branch’s focus on a streamlined, lint-compliant test suite.
Introduce internal/eui64/tests/calculate_invalid_test.go to test invalid input
scenarios for the EUI-64 calculation logic in the lint-refactor branch. This commit
adds TestCalculateEUI64Invalid with five test cases: invalid MAC format, short MAC, too many prefix hextets, empty hextet, and invalid hextet characters. It uses the assertEUI64Result helper from helpers.go for consistent error checking and
t.Parallel() for efficient parallel execution. The ~50-line file replaces part of
the deleted eui64_test.go, focusing on error handling and adhering to linting
standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This enhances test coverage and supports the branch’s goal of modular, maintainable Tests.
Introduce internal/eui64/tests/calculate_valid_test.go to test valid input scenarios
for the EUI-64 calculation logic in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
TestCalculateEUI64Valid with five test cases: full prefix, partial prefix, no prefix,
zero-compressed prefix, and trailing zero compression. It uses assertEUI64Result from
helpers.go for consistent result checking and t.Parallel() for efficient parallel
execution. The ~70-line file replaces part of the deleted eui64_test.go, focusing on
successful calculations and adhering to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This
enhances test coverage and supports the branch’s goal of modular, maintainable tests.
Introduce internal/eui64/tests/helpers.go to provide a reusable assertion helper for EUI-64 calculation tests in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds assertEUI64Result, a function that verifies interface ID, full IP, and error conditions against expected values, using testify/assert and testify/require for robust checks. At ~20 lines, it reduces duplication across test files (e.g., calculate_valid_test.go,
calculate_invalid_test.go) and meets linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This supports the branch’s focus on structured, maintainable tests by centralizing common assertion logic.
Introduce internal/eui64/tests/ip6tostring_test.go to test the IP6ToString function
for IPv6 address formatting in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds TestIp6ToString with five test cases: all zeros, no compression, compression at start, middle, and end. It uses testify/assert and testify/require for assertions and t.Parallel() for parallel execution. The ~60-line file replaces part of the deleted eui64_test.go, focusing on string conversion and adhering to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This ensures correct IPv6 formatting and supports the branch’s goal of comprehensive, modular tests.
Introduce internal/eui64/utils.go to implement IPv6 address string formatting for the EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
IP6ToString and supporting functions (isAllZeros, findLongestZeroRun, updateZeroRun, updateBestRun, finalizeBestRun, formatIPv6) to convert 128-bit IPv6 addresses into canonical strings with zero compression. At ~80 lines, it’s extracted from the deleted eui64.go for modularity, integrating with calculator.go’s constructFullIP. No lint-specific changes are applied yet—future commits may address cyclop or funlen if needed.
This enhances code organization and supports the branch’s maintainability goals.

Introduce internal/handlers/handlers.go to manage HTTP request handling for the
EUI-64 Calculator server as part of the lint-refactor branch. This commit defines
Validator, RequestContext, Calculator, and Renderer interfaces, with a Handler struct using dependency injection for these components. It implements Home and Calculate handlers with Gin adapters (HomeAdapter, CalculateAdapter) and a renderResult helper, plus a ginRequestContext adapter. At ~130 lines, it provides core endpoint logic, replacing any prior monolithic handler code. No lint-specific changes are applied yet subsequent commits may address funlen or cyclop if needed. This supports the branch’s goal of modular, testable design.
Remove internal/handlers/handlers_test.go as part of the lint-refactor branch
cleanup. This file previously contained tests for handlers.go (e.g., Home and
Calculate methods), which have been refactored and split into
internal/handlers/tests/ (calculate_invalid_test.go, calculate_valid_test.go,
home_test.go) for better granularity and maintainability. The new structure uses
a tests/ subdirectory with helper functions (helpers.go) and mocks (mocks/),
reducing test duplication and improving organization. Parallel execution
(t.Parallel()) is now standard across these tests, enhancing efficiency. This
deletion eliminates redundant test code, aligning with the branch’s focus on a
streamlined, lint-compliant test suite.
Introduce internal/handlers/mocks/calculator.go to provide a mock implementation
of the Calculator interface for handler testing in the lint-refactor branch. This
commit adds a Calculator struct with configurable InterfaceID, FullIP, and Err
fields, implementing CalculateEUI64 to return these values. At ~15 lines, it
supports testing in files like calculate_valid_test.go by simulating EUI-64
calculation outcomes. The minimal implementation adheres to linting standards
(e.g., funlen < 60) and enhances testability by isolating calculation logic,
aligning with the branch’s goal of modular, dependency-injected test support.
Introduce internal/handlers/mocks/renderer.go to provide a mock implementation of
the Renderer interface for handler testing in the lint-refactor branch. This commit
adds a Renderer struct with HomeErr, ResultErr, CalledHome, and CalledResult fields,
implementing RenderHome and RenderResult with status tracking and configurable
errors. At ~30 lines, it supports testing in files like home_test.go and
calculate_invalid_test.go by simulating UI rendering. The implementation meets
linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60) and improves test isolation, supporting the
branch’s focus on maintainable, dependency-injected tests.

Introduce internal/handlers/mocks/requestcontext.go to provide a mock implementation
of the RequestContext interface for handler testing in the lint-refactor branch.
This commit adds a RequestContext struct with a ginContext field and a NewRequestContext
constructor, implementing FormValue and GetContext to wrap a Gin context. At ~20
lines, it supports testing in files like calculate_valid_test.go by mocking HTTP
request handling. The clean implementation adheres to linting standards (e.g.,
funlen < 60) and enhances testability with a constructor pattern, aligning with the
branch’s goal of structured, reusable test mocks.

Introduce internal/handlers/mocks/validator.go to provide a mock implementation of
the Validator interface for handler testing in the lint-refactor branch. This commit
adds a Validator struct with MacErr and PrefixErr fields, implementing ValidateMAC
and ValidateIPv6Prefix to return these errors, along with ErrInvalidMAC and
ErrInvalidPrefix constants. At ~20 lines, it supports testing in files like
calculate_invalid_test.go by simulating validation outcomes. The minimal design
meets linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60) and improves test isolation, supporting
the branch’s focus on modular, dependency-injected test support.
Introduce internal/handlers/tests/calculate_invalid_test.go to test the Calculate
handler’s behavior with invalid inputs in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
TestCalculateHandlerInvalid with two test cases: invalid MAC format and invalid IPv6
prefix, expecting 200 OK responses with error messages. It uses mocks (Validator,
Renderer, Calculator) from internal/handlers/mocks/ and helper functions
(prepareCalcRequest, setupInvalidHandler) from helpers.go for setup and assertions.
Parallel execution via t.Parallel() ensures efficiency, and the ~70-line file replaces
part of the deleted handlers_test.go, adhering to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60).
This enhances error handling coverage and supports the branch’s structured test goal.
Introduce internal/handlers/tests/calculate_valid_test.go to test the Calculate
handler’s behavior with valid inputs in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds
TestCalculateHandlerValid with two test cases: valid MAC with full prefix and valid
MAC with partial prefix, expecting 200 OK responses with calculated results. It
leverages mocks (Calculator, Validator, Renderer) from internal/handlers/mocks/ and
prepareCalcRequest from helpers.go for setup, with t.Parallel() for efficiency. The
~70-line file replaces part of the deleted handlers_test.go, meeting linting standards
(e.g., funlen < 60). This improves success case coverage and aligns with the branch’s
modular test suite focus.
Introduce internal/handlers/tests/helpers.go to provide reusable helper functions
for handler tests in the lint-refactor branch. This commit adds prepareCalcRequest
(~30 lines) to set up POST requests and setupInvalidHandler (~20 lines) to configure
handlers with mocked validators and renderers. Used by calculate_invalid_test.go and
calculate_valid_test.go, these helpers reduce test duplication and ensure consistent
setup. The ~50-line file adheres to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60) and supports
the branch’s goal of maintainable, structured tests by centralizing common test logic.
Introduce internal/handlers/tests/home_test.go to test the Home handler in the
lint-refactor branch. This commit adds TestHomeHandler with a single test case
verifying a successful GET request, expecting a 200 OK response with "EUI-64
Calculator". It uses mocks (Renderer, Calculator, Validator) from
internal/handlers/mocks/ and t.Parallel() for efficiency, with assertions via
testify/require. The ~50-line file replaces part of the deleted handlers_test.go,
adhering to linting standards (e.g., funlen < 60). This ensures home route coverage
and aligns with the branch’s focus on modular, maintainable tests.
…remove from SetupRouter

Set gin.ReleaseMode in main.go to ensure production-ready behavior without relying on the GIN_MODE env var, and remove gin.SetMode() and ForceConsoleColor() from SetupRouter in server.go to eliminate data races during parallel tests.

This resolves race conditions in cmd/server/tests/ and internal/server/tests/ while maintaining release mode for the app runtime.
Tests now run without global state conflicts, preserving t.Parallel() efficiency.
@nicholas-fedor nicholas-fedor self-assigned this Feb 22, 2025
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codecov bot commented Feb 22, 2025

Update wantIP values in calculate_valid_test.go and constructfullip_test.go to
match IP6ToString’s correct compression of zero runs (e.g., "2001:db8::214:...")
per RFC 4291, fixing failures in TestCalculateEUI64Valid and TestConstructFullIP.
Ensures consistent IPv6 formatting and full coverage for calculator.go.
Remove the unused formatIPv6 function from internal/eui64/utils.go, resolving a
golangci-lint warning. This function was a leftover from an earlier IP6ToString
implementation and is no longer needed, maintaining full functionality and
coverage for calculator.go.
Add integration test in cmd/server/tests/integration_test.go to cover gin.SetMode
and app.Run in main.go (lines 11-15). Expand internal/app/tests/run_test.go with
a default NewApp case, hitting lines 35-44 and 46 in app.go.
Update mocks/renderer.go to use context status instead of hardcoding 200 OK,
and revert handlers.go to call renderResult for calculation failures (lines 88-91).
Fixes TestCalculateHandlerInvalid/Calculation_failure by ensuring RenderResult is
called and status is 500, maintaining Codecov diff hit rate for lines 65-72, 88-91,
Enhance setup_test.go to cover server.go lines 27-30 (Config) and 48-75 (SetupRouter)
with additional static route HEAD test and refined assertions. Boosts Codecov diff
hit rate from 15.4% toward ≥76.99%. Lines 35-43 covered by renderer_test.go.
Add setup_test.go in internal/server (server package) to cover server.go lines
27-30 (Config) and 48-75 (SetupRouter) with valid config, invalid proxies, empty
static dir, nil proxies, and default handlers. Remove unused testRouterRoute from
helpers.go to fix linting error. Aims to increase Codecov diff hit rate from
15.4% toward ≥76.99%. Lines 35-43 covered by renderer_test.go.
Remove unused helpers.go to fix linting errors (unused mockHandlerFunc, ServeHTTP).
Enhance test coverage for internal/eui64/calculator.go to reduce 79 uncovered lines
through a series of updates:

1. Consolidated TestCalculateEUI64Invalid and TestCalculateEUI64Valid into a single
   TestCalculateEUI64 in calculator_test.go, covering all valid and invalid cases
   (MAC parsing, prefix errors). Added standalone tests for generateInterfaceID and
   parsePrefix to hit unexported function branches.

2. Fixed compilation errors by correcting package references (e.g., eui64.DefaultCalculator),
   removing invalid prefixes for unexported functions (generateInterfaceID, parsePrefix),
   and aligning with package scope.

3. Updated construct_full_ip_test.go (renamed from constructfullip_test.go) to fix test
   failures in TestConstructFullIP:
   - Adjusted "Three_hextets_with_trailing_empty" to expect compressed output
     ("2001:db8::214:22ff:fe01:2345") from IP6ToString.
   - Adjusted "Empty_prefix_parts" to expect compressed output ("::214:22ff:fe01:2345"),
     aligning with IPv6 canonical form (RFC 5952).

4. Expanded TestConstructFullIP and TestFillEUI64Hextet to cover all prefix scenarios
   and hextet ID edge cases, ensuring full branch coverage in ConstructFullIP and

5. Removed unused assert_eui64_result_test.go, integrating assertions inline for cleaner
   test logic.

These changes target full coverage of calculator.go’s logic (CalculateEUI64,
generateInterfaceID, parsePrefix, ConstructFullIP, FillEUI64Hextet), reducing
uncovered lines to <10 (e.g., minor fmt.Errorf branches). Contributes to increasing
the Codecov diff hit rate toward ≥76.99% from the prior baseline.
Update all test files under cmd/server/tests (helpers.go, integration_test.go,
proxies_test.go, routes_calculate_test.go, routes_home_test.go,
routes_invalid_test.go, routes_static_test.go) to package main instead of tests.
Refactor cmd/server/main.go to include a run() function, enabling direct testing of
startup logic. This change:

- Simplifies testing by placing tests in the same package as main.go, granting
  access to unexported functions and eliminating mocking complexities.
- Ensures coverage of main.go lines 11-12, 14, 16-17 through integration_test.go
  and route-specific tests using shared helpers (setupRouter, prepareRouteRequest,
- Resolves prior compilation errors related to app.App type mismatches and
  package scope issues.

Boosts Codecov diff hit rate from 29.67% toward ≥76.99% by improving coverage
attribution for the cmd/server package. Remaining coverage gaps in other packages
(e.g., internal/app) will be addressed in subsequent commits.
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Owner Author

Deprecating this pull request and related branch.

@nicholas-fedor nicholas-fedor deleted the Lint-Refactor branch March 2, 2025 07:44
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