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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

pragma solidity 0.7.6;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; import "@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Pool.sol"; import "@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/libraries/TickMath.sol";

import "./AlphaVault.sol"; import "../interfaces/IStrategy.sol";


  • @title Passive Strategy
  • @notice Rebalancing strategy for Alpha Vault that maintains the two
  •      following range orders:
  •      1. Base order is placed between X - B and X + B + TS.
  •      2. Limit order is placed between X - L and X, or between X + TS
  •         and X + L + TS, depending on which token it holds more of.
  •      where:
  •          X = current tick rounded down to multiple of tick spacing
  •          TS = tick spacing
  •          B = base threshold
  •          L = limit threshold
  •      Note that after these two orders, the vault should have deposited
  •      all its tokens and should only have a few wei left.
  •      Because the limit order tries to sell whichever token the vault
  •      holds more of, the vault's holdings will have a tendency to get
  •      closer to a 1:1 balance. This enables it to continue providing
  •      liquidity without running out of inventory of either token, and
  •      achieves this without the need to swap directly on Uniswap and pay
  •      fees.

*/ contract PassiveStrategy is IStrategy { using SafeMath for uint256;

AlphaVault public immutable vault;
IUniswapV3Pool public immutable pool;
int24 public immutable tickSpacing;

int24 public baseThreshold;
int24 public limitThreshold;
uint256 public period;
int24 public minTickMove;
int24 public maxTwapDeviation;
uint32 public twapDuration;
address public keeper;

uint256 public lastTimestamp;
int24 public lastTick;

 * @param _vault Underlying Alpha Vault
 * @param _baseThreshold Used to determine base order range
 * @param _limitThreshold Used to determine limit order range
 * @param _period Can only rebalance if this length of time has passed
 * @param _minTickMove Can only rebalance if price has moved at least this much
 * @param _maxTwapDeviation Max deviation from TWAP during rebalance
 * @param _twapDuration TWAP duration in seconds for deviation check
 * @param _keeper Account that can call `rebalance()`
    address _vault,
    int24 _baseThreshold,
    int24 _limitThreshold,
    uint256 _period,
    int24 _minTickMove,
    int24 _maxTwapDeviation,
    uint32 _twapDuration,
    address _keeper
) {
    IUniswapV3Pool _pool = AlphaVault(_vault).pool();
    int24 _tickSpacing = _pool.tickSpacing();

    vault = AlphaVault(_vault);
    pool = _pool;
    tickSpacing = _tickSpacing;

    baseThreshold = _baseThreshold;
    limitThreshold = _limitThreshold;
    period = _period;
    minTickMove = _minTickMove;
    maxTwapDeviation = _maxTwapDeviation;
    twapDuration = _twapDuration;
    keeper = _keeper;

    _checkThreshold(_baseThreshold, _tickSpacing);
    _checkThreshold(_limitThreshold, _tickSpacing);
    require(_minTickMove >= 0, "minTickMove must be >= 0");
    require(_maxTwapDeviation >= 0, "maxTwapDeviation must be >= 0");
    require(_twapDuration > 0, "twapDuration must be > 0");

    (, lastTick, , , , , ) = _pool.slot0();

 * @notice Calculates new ranges for orders and calls `vault.rebalance()`
 * so that vault can update its positions. Can only be called by keeper.
function rebalance() external override {
    require(shouldRebalance(), "cannot rebalance");

    (, int24 tick, , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
    int24 tickFloor = _floor(tick);
    int24 tickCeil = tickFloor + tickSpacing;

        tickFloor - baseThreshold,
        tickCeil + baseThreshold,
        tickFloor - limitThreshold,
        tickCeil + limitThreshold

    lastTimestamp = block.timestamp;
    lastTick = tick;

function shouldRebalance() public view override returns (bool) {
    // check called by keeper
    if (msg.sender != keeper) {
        return false;

    // check enough time has passed
    if (block.timestamp < lastTimestamp.add(period)) {
        return false;

    // check price has moved enough
    (, int24 tick, , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
    int24 tickMove = tick > lastTick ? tick - lastTick : lastTick - tick;
    if (tickMove < minTickMove) {
        return false;

    // check price near twap
    int24 twap = getTwap();
    int24 twapDeviation = tick > twap ? tick - twap : twap - tick;
    if (twapDeviation > maxTwapDeviation) {
        return false;

    // check price not too close to boundary
    int24 maxThreshold = baseThreshold > limitThreshold ? baseThreshold : limitThreshold;
    if (
        tick < TickMath.MIN_TICK + maxThreshold + tickSpacing ||
        tick > TickMath.MAX_TICK - maxThreshold - tickSpacing
    ) {
        return false;

    return true;

/// @dev Fetches time-weighted average price in ticks from Uniswap pool.
function getTwap() public view returns (int24) {
    uint32 _twapDuration = twapDuration;
    uint32[] memory secondsAgo = new uint32[](2);
    secondsAgo[0] = _twapDuration;
    secondsAgo[1] = 0;

    (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, ) = pool.observe(secondsAgo);
    return int24((tickCumulatives[1] - tickCumulatives[0]) / _twapDuration);

/// @dev Rounds tick down towards negative infinity so that it's a multiple
/// of `tickSpacing`.
function _floor(int24 tick) internal view returns (int24) {
    int24 compressed = tick / tickSpacing;
    if (tick < 0 && tick % tickSpacing != 0) compressed--;
    return compressed * tickSpacing;

function _checkThreshold(int24 threshold, int24 _tickSpacing) internal pure {
    require(threshold > 0, "threshold must be > 0");
    require(threshold <= TickMath.MAX_TICK, "threshold too high");
    require(threshold % _tickSpacing == 0, "threshold must be multiple of tickSpacing");

function setKeeper(address _keeper) external onlyGovernance {
    keeper = _keeper;

function setBaseThreshold(int24 _baseThreshold) external onlyGovernance {
    _checkThreshold(_baseThreshold, tickSpacing);
    baseThreshold = _baseThreshold;

function setLimitThreshold(int24 _limitThreshold) external onlyGovernance {
    _checkThreshold(_limitThreshold, tickSpacing);
    limitThreshold = _limitThreshold;

function setPeriod(uint256 _period) external onlyGovernance {
    period = _period;

function setMinTickMove(int24 _minTickMove) external onlyGovernance {
    require(_minTickMove >= 0, "minTickMove must be >= 0");
    minTickMove = _minTickMove;

function setMaxTwapDeviation(int24 _maxTwapDeviation) external onlyGovernance {
    require(_maxTwapDeviation >= 0, "maxTwapDeviation must be >= 0");
    maxTwapDeviation = _maxTwapDeviation;

function setTwapDuration(uint32 _twapDuration) external onlyGovernance {
    require(_twapDuration > 0, "twapDuration must be > 0");
    twapDuration = _twapDuration;

/// @dev Uses same governance as underlying vault.
modifier onlyGovernance {
    require(msg.sender == vault.governance(), "governance");


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