Microbiome Data Analysis and Nephele Demo
Slides - download pdf of slides here
Test input files: for 16S pipelines Download sequences and mapping files from "How to submit a job" - https://nephele.niaid.nih.gov/user_guide/
Steps to run Demo. For more details see: https://nephele.niaid.nih.gov/user_guide/
- Request account in nephele server
- Select Amplicon Data, 16S
- Sign into Nephele with the email you registered with, then select Paired End Fastq
- Select "Upload files from publicly accessible URL(s)", Upload via FTP . Provide the following path ftp://helix.nih.gov/pub/mqbcbb/nepheleFQ/ Please know that this folder will be available only temporarily from this FTP location.
- Download file from ftp://helix.nih.gov/pub/mqbcbb/N2_16S_mapping.xlsx then upload to Nephele as the mapping file.
- Follow along to submit a job. THere is no need to change default parameters for this dataset.
- Expect an email with words "nephele pipeline success"
Alternatively, if you run the job, expect an email with note that job has completed https://nephele.niaid.nih.gov/results/f04730b61840