This is the server for the Considerate App. Considerate helps you keep track of the things your friends like and of the occasions when you'd like to give them the perfect gift. You can be the thoughtful friend you've always meant to be.
This API is fully RESTful. It allows one to create a new user. It allows one to login with a valid user account, providing an auth token in the response. It allows an authenticated user to GET, POST, DELETE, and PATCH friends and likes to the considerate databases.
- Migrations are found in
- Seeding and truncating database files are found in
- The knex instance and server are found in
- The various configurations are found in
- Middleware and error handling function are found in
- Authorization router and service are found in
- User router and service are found in
- JWT middleware is found in
- Friends router and service are found in
- Tests are found in
Open Endpoints require no authentication.
- Login : POST /api/auth/login/
- Paramaters
Name | Type | Description |
user_name | string | must provide a valid user_name |
password | string | must provide the valid password for the provided user_name |
- Success Response:
Status: 200 OK
{ "authToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2MDAwOTk5NjYsInN1YiI6ImR1bmRlciJ9.0UNZ0BQwyL1dNvA4OWfsDh1mL4mv6EfoIGDderPQeFQ" }
- Success Response:
- Error Response:
Status: 400 Bad Request
{ "error": "Incorrect user_name or password" }
- Error Response:
Add New User : POST /api/users/
- Paramaters
Name | Type | Description |
user_name | string | Required and must not already be taken |
password | string | Required and must be between 8 and 72 characters long, not start with empty spaces, and contain 1 upper case, lower case, number and special character |
full_name | string | Required |
nickname | string | Optional |
- Success Response:
Status: 201 Created
{ "user_name": "example", "password": "Passw0rd!", "full_name": "Example Exampleton", "nickname": "Xampy" }
- Success Response:
- Error Responses:
Status: 400 Bad Request
{ "error": "Missing [field] in request body" }
ORStatus: 400 Bad Request
{ "error": "Username already taken" }
- Error Responses:
Closed enpoints require a valid Token to be included in the header of the request. A Token can be acquired from the Login view above.
If no Bearer Token is provided:
- Error Response:
Status: 401 Unauthorized
{ "error": "Missing bearer token" }
- Error Response:
Endpoints for viewing and manipulating the Friends that the Authenticated User has permissions to access.
Show Friends : GET /api/friends/
- Success Responses:
Status: 200 OK
ORStatus: 200 OK
[ { "id": 1, "friend_name": "Jill", "occasion": "Birthday", "occasion_date": "2020-09-05T07:00:00.000Z" } ]
- Success Responses:
Show Specific Friend : GET /api/friends/:friend_id/
- URL Parameters:
is the ID of the friend on the server.
- URL Parameters:
- Success Responses:
Status: 200 OK
ORStatus: 200 OK
{ "id": 1, "friend_name": "Jill", "occasion": "Birthday", "occasion_date": "2020-09-05T07:00:00.000Z" }
- Success Responses:
- Error Response:
Status: 404 Not Found
{ "error": "Friend doesn't exist" }
- Error Response:
Show Likes of Friend : GET /api/friends/:friend_id/likes/
- URL Parameters:
is the ID of the friend on the server.
- URL Parameters:
- Success Responses:
Status: 200 OK
ORStatus: 200 OK
[{ "id": 2, "like_name": "Cheese"}, { "id": 1, "like_name": "Coke"}, { "id: 3, "like_name": "XBox" }]
- Success Responses:
- Error Response:
Status: 404 Not Found
{ "error": "Friend doesn't exist" }
- Error Response:
Delete Friend : DELETE /api/friends/:friend_id/
- URL Parameters:
is the ID of the friend on the server.
- URL Parameters:
- Success Response:
Status: 204 No Content
- Success Response:
Add new Friend : POST /api/friends/
- Parameters
Name Type Description friend_name string Required occasion string Required occasion_date date Required likes array Optional array of objects. Each object must have the key "like_name" with the value a string.
- Parameters
- Success Response:
Status: 201 Created
{ "id": 8, "friend_name": "Friend", "occasion": "Birthday", "occasion_date": "2020-09-10T07:00:00.000Z" }
- Success Response:
- Error Responses:
Status: 400 Bad Request
{ "error": "Missing [field] in request body" }
- Error Responses:
Update Friend : PATCH /api/friends/:friend_id/
- Parameters, must include at least one of the following:
Name Type Description friend_name string Optional occasion string Optional occasion_date date Optional
- Parameters, must include at least one of the following:
- Success Response:
Status: 204 No Content
- Success Response:
- Error Response:
Status 400 Bad Response
{ "error": "Request body must contain either 'friend_name', 'occasion' or 'occasion_date'", }
- Error Response:
This API uses Express, Node.js, and PostgreSQL.
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create development and test databases:
createdb considerate
,createdb considerate-test
- Create database user:
createuser considerate
- Grant privileges to new user in
:GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE considerate TO considerate
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "considerate-test" TO considerate
- Prepare environment file:
touch .env
- Fill
with your custom values for:NODE_ENV
- Bootstrap development database:
npm run migrate
- Bootstrap test database:
npm run migrate:test
For tests involving time to run properly, your Postgres database must be configured to run in the UTC timezone.
- Locate the
file for your Postgres installation.- OS X, Homebrew:
- OS X, Homebrew:
- Uncomment the
line and set it toUTC
as follows:
# - Locale and Formatting -
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
#intervalstyle = 'postgres'
timezone = 'UTC'
#timezone_abbreviations = 'Default' # Select the set of available time zone
- To seed the database for development:
psql -U considerate -d considerate -a -f seeds/seed.considerate_tables.sql
- To clear seed data:
psql -U considerate -d considerate -a -f seeds/trunc.considerate_tables.sql
Start the application npm start
Start nodemon for the application npm run dev
Run the tests npm test
Migrate the dev database npm run migrate
Migrate the test database npm run migrate:test