Gulp plugin for node-spritesheet utility
node-spritesheet utility requires ImageMagick, available via HomeBrew ($ sudo brew install ImageMagick
) or MacPorts: ($ sudo port install ImageMagick
Install the module with: npm install gulp-node-spritesheet
var sprite = require('gulp-node-spritesheet');
gulp.task('sprite', function() {
// Path for compiled sprite styles
outputCss: 'sprite/style.css',
// Uses this compound selector in the css, e.g. ' {}'
selector: '.sprite',
// Name for sprite image file
outputImage: 'image.png'
Takes in a series of images a generates a sprite styles in sprite/style.css
and passes sprite image image.png
var sprite = require('gulp-node-spritesheet');
outputCss: './css/sprite.css',
selector: '.sprite',
// Optional ImageMagick sampling filter.
downsampling: "LanczosSharp",
// Output configurations: in this instance to output two sprite sheets,
// one for "legacy" (i.e. 72dpi, pixel ratio 1), and "retina" (x2).
// These keys (legacy, retina) are completely arbitrary.
output: {
legacy: {
pixelRatio: 1,
outputImage: 'sprite.png',
// Optional path to output image
httpImagePath: '../images/sprite.png'
retina: {
pixelRatio: 2,
outputImage: 'sprite@2x.png',
httpImagePath: '../images/sprite@2x.png'
// Allows you to augment your selector names for each image, based on
// the bare image "name", or the full image path.
resolveImageSelector: function(name, fullpath) {
// For example, your files may well already be named with @2x, but
// you won't want that included in your CSS selectors.
return name.split('@2x').join('');
As the retina scheme has the highest pixel ratio, it will be assumed that all images passed to the plugin are for 'retina'. So, at the output, will be two images sprite@2x.png
for 'retina' and downscaled sprite.png
for 'legacy'.
- 2015-09-07 v0.1.1 Minor fixes.
- 2014-11-14 v0.1.0 First release.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gaer Nikita. Licensed under the MIT license.