This repository contains the tooling to publish the WebRTC library for the Nextcloud Talk Android app to jitpack.
If you want to use the lib, simply add the following line to your build file:
implementation 'com.github.nextcloud-deps:android-talk-webrtc:<Version>'
The WebRTC builds are taken from
Download the aar for the release from
In this repo, create a new branch (should not be equal to the tag name, so just write 'v' before the version)
git checkout -b v123.4567.0
Replace the
file -
Commit, create tag and push
git commit -am 'update to v123.4567.0'
git tag -a 123.4567.0 -m 'update to 123.4567.0'
git push --set-upstream origin v123.4567.0
git push origin 123.4567.0
Create PR and merge to main
Run jitpack publishing build via the tag at