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There will be individual projects (previously known as assignments) and a team project (in a group of 3-4 members). The overall grading breakdown is:
- 30% Individual project (10% for deliverable 1, 20% for deliverable 2)
- 40% Team project (including peer evaluations / surveys)
- 10% Participation in synchronous, in-class activities
- 20% Exam
Assignment of team project grades: In cases where team members do not equally contribute to the project, we may assign different grades to different individuals, up to an extreme of deducting 50% of the team project grade for a student (which might arise to 100% deduction for not contributing to the project at all). We will evaluate each individual's contribution on the basis of a variety of factors, including progress reports at weekly meetings, through inspecting version control history, through each students' self-reflection, and through each students' peer evaluation {during and/or} at the end of the project. We will make regular efforts to collect and distribute this feedback throughout the project — our ultimate goal is for all students to participate and receive full marks.
Assignment of final grades: Although each instructor will use the same lesson plans and assignments, we expect that there may be variation in grades when compared between sections. Hence, each instructor will assign final grades to students in their sections, and reserve the right to apply different curves than are used by the other instructors. With each graded assignment, students will be provided with the distribution of all grades in their section.
Grading grievances: If you have concerns regarding the grading of your work, please let us know right away by opening a regrade request. All regrade requests must be submitted within 7 days from your receipt of the graded work. If your regrade request is closed and you feel that the response was not satisfactory, you may appeal to the instructor via email within 48 hours.
Students must work individually on all homework assignments. We encourage you to have high-level discussions with other students in the class about the assignments, however, we require that when you turn in an assignment, it is only your work. That is, copying any part of another student's assignment is strictly prohibited, and repercussions for doing so will be severe (up to and including failing the class outright). You are free to reuse small snippets of example code found on the Internet (e.g. via StackOverflow) provided that it is attributed. If you are concerned that by reusing and attributing that copied code it may appear that you didn't complete the assignment yourself, then please raise a discussion with the instructor.
Your work is late if it is not turned in by the deadline.
- 10% will be deducted for late assignments turned in within 24 hours after the due date.
- Assignments submitted more than 24 hours late will receive a zero.
If you're worried about being busy around the time of a HW submission, please plan ahead and get started early. Homework that does not compile or run will receive at most 50% credit.
For fairness to all, there are no exceptions to the above rules.
Most lectures will feature interactive activities and/or polls that support the material being presented. You must be present in class to participate in the activity or take the poll (participating in an online activity while not attending the synchronous session will be considered academic dishonesty and will be treated harshly). Each instructor may have a different style for assigning participation grades, but historical grading information suggests that each style results in a similar overall grade distribution. Participation grades will be posted on Canvas, and regularly updated.
Attendance in the synchronous meetings is expected. Sometimes you cannot avoid missing a class. If you need to be away from class, it is your responsibility to catch up on the materials discussed in the class and inform the instructor to receive credit for any participation.
If you join class in person, you are strongly encouraged to bring your laptop or phone to class so that you can participate in the activities.
If you are registered for an on-the-ground section but do not feel comfortable or are unable to attend in person, please contact your instructor in advance of class. We would like to provide the best and most comfortable learning experience, and encourage you to stay at home if advised by a medical professional.
To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum for the discussion of ideas. Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that does not disrupt teaching or learning. Your comments to others should be constructive and free from harassing statements. You are encouraged to disagree with other students and the instructor, but such disagreements need to respectful and be based upon facts and documentation (rather than prejudices and personalities). The instructors reserve the right to interrupt conversations that deviate from these expectations. Repeated unprofessional or disrespectful conduct may result in a lower grade or more severe consequences. Part of the learning process in this course is respectful engagement of ideas with others.
Please don't be late. You are an essential part of the class. Your participation is an essential part of the class. If you are late, please be courteous to others when entering.
BE PRESENT WHEN YOU ARE ATTENDING CLASS. Please do not distract yourself from the class by doing other activities such as phone calls, email, facebook, chat/IM/texting, games, web surfing -- unless it has a direct bearing on the course. Then, by all means, surf away!
Students must work individually on all homework assignments. We encourage you to have high-level discussions with other students in the class about the assignments, however, we require that when you turn in an assignment, it is only your work. That is, copying any part of another student's assignment is strictly prohibited.
If you steal someone else's work, you fail the class. You are responsible for protecting your work. If someone uses your work, with or without your permission, you fail the class.
You are free to reuse small snippets of example code found on the Internet (e.g., via StackOverflow) provided that it is attributed. Use of co-pilot is also enrouraged. Use of other generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT is not allowed.
If you are concerned that by reusing and attributing that copied code it may appear that you didn't complete the assignment yourself, then please raise a discussion with the instructor. If you are in doubt whether using others' work is allowed, you should assume that it is NOT allowed unless the instructors confirm otherwise.
To ensure that students have completed the work themselves, instructor might require students to explain the work they have submitted. We will consider adjusting grades based on your understanding of the course material.
Students who have disabilities who wish to receive academic services and/or accommodations should visit the Disability Access Services at 20 Dodge Hall or call (617) 373-2675 (previously known as DRC) Please be sure to provide your instructor with DAS's accommodations letter early in the semester in order to avoid logistical challenges. This course includes a significant group work including project, and providing extensions for group work can be complex. DAS accomodations often do not apply to group submissions but we encourage you to work with your instructors to see how course staff can provide the support you might need. As-per the DAS's policy, it is the student's responsibility to coordinate with the instructor in order to request suitable accommodations.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from sex or gender-based discrimination, including discrimination based on gender-identity, in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
Northeastern's Title IX Policy prohibits Prohibited Offenses, which are defined as sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship or domestic violence, and stalking. The Title IX Policy applies to the entire community, including students, faculty and staff of all gender identities.
Faculty members are considered "responsible employees" at Northeastern University, meaning they are required to report all allegations of sex or gender-based discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator.
If you or someone you know has been a survivor of a Prohibited Offense, confidential support and guidance can be found through University Health and Counseling Services staff and the Center for Spiritual Dialogue and Service clergy members. By law, those employees are not required to report allegations of sex or gender-based discrimination to the University.
Alleged violations can be reported non-confidentially to the Title IX Coordinator within The Office for Gender Equity and Compliance at: and/or through NUPD (Emergency 617.373.3333; Non-Emergency 617.373.2121). Reporting Prohibited Offenses to NUPD does NOT commit the victim/affected party to future legal action.
In case of an emergency, please call 911.
Please visit for a complete list of reporting options and resources both on- and off-campus.