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# TransactionSummary


Name Type Description Notes
transactionId string Unique functional transaction identifier (consists of 6 characters) [optional]
deviceIdentToken string [optional]
orderValue float Amount of the order value in € ( = Bestellwert in €) [optional]
interest float Amount of the interest accrued in € ( = anfallender Zinsbetrag in €) [optional]
originalInterest float Amount of the original interest accrued in € ( = urspruenglicher Zinsbetrag in €) [optional]
nominalInterest float ( = nominalzins in €) [optional]
effectiveInterest float ( = effektivzins in €) [optional]
merchantSpecificInterest float ( = haendlerspezifischerZinssatz in €) [optional]
totalValue float Amount of the total value in € ( = Gesamtsumme in €) [optional]
decisionOutcome string Outcome of the credit decision [optional]
decisionOutcomeText string Text containing further information on the decision outcome ( = entscheidungsergebnisTextbaustein) [optional]
numberOfInstallments int Number of Installments defined in the payment plan ( = anzahl der Raten) [optional]
minNumberOfInstallments int minimum number of Installments defined in the payment plan ( = minimaleLaufzeit) [optional]
maxNumberOfInstallments int maximum number of Installments defined in the payment plan ( = maximaleLaufzeit) [optional]
installment float Amount in € of a single installment according to the payment plan ( = betrag der Rate in €) [optional]
lastInstallment float Amount in € of the last installment according to the payment plan ( = betrag der letzten Rate in €) [optional]
firstInstallmentDate \DateTime Date indicating the first installment payment ( = terminErsteRate) [optional]
lastInstallmentDate \DateTime Date indicating the last installment payment ( = terminLetzteRate) [optional]
amortizationPlanText string Text containing the amortization plan ( = tilgungsplanText) [optional]
urlPreContractualInformation string ( = urlVorvertraglicheInformationen) [optional]
installmentPlans \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\InstallmentPlan[] List of possible installment payment plans [optional]
mtan \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\MTan [optional]
bankAccountCheck \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\BankAccountCheck [optional]

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