Name | Type | Description | Notes |
transactionId | string | Unique functional transaction identifier (consists of 6 characters) | [optional] |
status | string | Status structure = <Merchant-Transaction-Status>_<Booking-Status> -> Merchant-Transaction-Status are REPORT_CAPTURE (LIEFERUNG_MELDEN), REPORT_CAPTURE_EXPIRING (LIEFERUNG_MELDEN_AUSLAUFEND), IN_BILLING (IN_ABRECHNUNG), BILLED (ABGERECHNET), EXPIRED (ABGELAUFEN). Applicable Booking-Status for this scenario are FAILED, PENDING | [optional] |
bookings | \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\Booking[] | [optional] | |
customer | \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\TransactionCustomer | [optional] | |
creditAccountNumber | string | (= kreditKontonummer) | [optional] |
orderDetails | \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\TransactionOrderDetails | [optional] | |
refundDetails | \Teambank\EasyCreditApiV3\Model\Refund[] | [optional] | |
refundsTotalValue | float | Sum of all the refund amounts in € | [optional] |
expirationDateTime | \DateTime | Expiration date for transactions in state REPORT_CAPTURE | [optional] |
webshopId | string | Webshop Id | [optional] |