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Tags: neovim/pynvim



Pynvim 0.5.2

- a2adeec build: fix conditional install_requires #581
- 31550a7 fix: remove deprecated universal wheels setting
- a6175a4 fix(ci): macOS CI failing with python{3.7, 3.8, 3.9}
- 648b0c7 fix(ci): do not use matrix variables for OS-specific commands


Pynvim 0.5.1

Changes since 0.5.0:

- 4813ce6 fix(tests): failing tests on python3.13 about stacktrace messages #578
- 9391eff docs: avoid deprecated $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS env var #575
- 9fc77f0 fix(tests): remove reference to pytest-runner #573
- a855fa3 fix: deprecated alias of logger.warn #569
- cc45f5b fix(tests): broadcast test fails #570
- 4d65226 fix(ci): macOS CI fails with "Unrecognized archive format"
- d6dc8cf fix: UpdateRemotePlugins not finding specs on Windows #565
- 9f3e010 Revert "fix: vim.eval('v:true') should return python bool" #562
- f9d839f fix(tests): "provider#python3#Prog" was removed upstream #563
- 5f989df refactor: remove the use of forward references #558
- c4197f1 fix(ci): failing readthedocs build #554
- da0970e ci: fix failing readthedocs build
- 7a84048 fix(ci): failing readthedocs build #553
- e74a7f6 test: attaching via socket, tcp, stdio #544
- 17fbcbc fix: prevent closed pipe errors on closing asyncio transport resources
- 7f60f72 refactor: improve typing
- 3f5f532 refactor: separate asyncio Protocol from AsyncioEventLoop
- 2059684 refactor: use async coroutine and add debugging statements
- be5810b refactor: expose event loop as a property rather than a field
- a1347ee refactor!: completely wipe out pyuv


Pynvim 0.5.0

Breaking: Python 3.7 is the minimum supported Python version.

Changes since 0.4.3:

- 1696737 feat: Ex command ":py=" evaluate and print expression
- 86cc50e test: always use the same python regardless of $PATH
- 71d2d65 packaging: Add pynvim.__version__ attribute
- 056f6f9 fix: ignore flaky OSError on windows
- 6ab90aa fix: EOF error on piped stderr being closed on Windows
- fd4247c fix: do not leak resources across tests so as to prevent side effects
- 260a0b9 deps: Require greenlet >= 3.0 since it supports Python 3.12
- f244597 fix: broken dynamic import of rplugin modules
- e4224fc fix: sphinx "invalid language code"
- 61bf6fa fix: mypy type annotation warnings
- 5e84c75 fix: sphinx "Unexpected indentation" warning
- 991c689 fix: PEP 484 prohibits implicit Optional
- 919217d fix: undefined name 'original_find_module'
- b79717f fix(test): `Unknown config option: timeout` warning
- 5be54e2 test_buffer: don't depend on version-dependent default values
- eaa862d fix: imp module is deprecated
- ac03f5c Drop old python versions, add type annotations
- a087534 docs: python 2 is not supported
- 82a2e14 test: update 'define' option default
- dd540b0 refactor: remove usage of imp
- 496e8eb packaging: conform to PEP 517 guidelines
- d549371 fix: vim.eval('v:true') should return python bool
- 318c1b5 fix the first call to sync functions returning null


Pynvim 0.4.3

Changes since 0.4.1:

  - 344934c Detect encoding correctly on non-standard locales



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jamessan James McCoy
Pynvim 0.4.2

Changes since 0.4.1:

- 1276622 Refactor: IOError was deprecated. Replace with OSError
- a5446ce refactor: Reduce usage of deprecated imp module
- 605ffda Modify all imports in the repository to absolute imports
- d9ce0b5 Set unicode_errors in Unpacker
- 2cbc135 import vim module by default


Pynvim 0.4.1

Logging will be disabled on release tarballs and pip packages for performance
reasons. Use `scripts/` and
`scripts/` to toggle the availability of logging.

Changes since 0.4.0:

 - 09bba08 remove scrutinizer
 - f048531 make pytest_runner an optional dependency
 - 5b50ce9 fix missing for nvim_error_event
 - 175a2cc Test with python 3.8
 - 5a2b552 fix the disable logging script.


Pynvim 0.4.0

Changes since 0.3.2:
    - 2a31195 Update docs/tests to use `--headless` when needed
    - 1d121e0 Update tests for new global/local option behavior
    - 6310063 session: set client info (not only for host)
    - 58ff62f python2 compat: fix buffer inequality
    - a63cddb ci: fix coverage reporting
    - f4f3bf5 api: key deletion; use KeyError for maps (if_python compat)
    - d3c389f host: do not run __init__ in plugin until the plugin is invoked


Pynvim 0.3.2

Cleanup after the `pynvim` rename, as well as a few bugfixes and

Changes since 0.3.1:
    - bfb5c26 support `del vim.current.line`
    - 408025b Handle `nvim_error_event` (errors from async requests)
    - 14ab154 Don't crash when subprocesses write to stdout
    - c37b4ed 22e5919 Continue `pynvim` rename
    - 2aa29f9 test with Python 3.7 in Travis.


Pynvim 0.3.1

This release renames the the package name (for PyPI and importing) to `pynvim`.
`import neovim` is still supported as an alias, but new API users should use
`import pynvim`.

If you already have installed `neovim` in pip, the best way to upgrade this time
is to upgrade the `neovim` package:

`pip install --upgrade neovim`

This will replace the neovim package with a dummy transition package, and
install pynvim as a dependency. For a new install, the prefered way is

`pip install pynvim`.

This release is otherwise functionally identical to pynvim 0.3.0, except for an
improved error message.

Changes since 0.3.0:
    - 1fcc17f More informative error message for usage from non-main thread
    - f237238 Rename package to `pynvim`


Pynvim 0.3.0

Requires Nvim 0.3.0 or later.

Changes since 0.2.6:

    5b69f54 script host: Use the correct interface for a path entry finder
    82b0109 api: implement Remote.__repr__
    c784927 event loop: Enable asyncio on windows again
    59112c6 host: Add client info (for nvim_list_chans())
    d2bf46f host: make imports thread-safe