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File metadata and controls

94 lines (53 loc) · 2.97 KB

A lightweight and fast Javascript library for Front End Development


  • Fast(query CSS selectors are experimentally than jQuery due to no object wrapping overhead and no compatibility check; thus only IE9+ is supported)

  • All functions work with single target as well as collection (like jQuery, except query function)

  • No object mapping means all functions are not instance functions.

    In jQuery you might have

    $('#body-container').css('color', 'black');

    Using tbjs, you will do

    $.css($('#body-container), 'color', 'black');

Utilities all utility functions resides in global namespace as they are very commonly used and should considered built-in

each - Apply callback on each element in the collection.

function (collection, callback, [allowsingle])
collection can be single element (only if allowsingle is set to true), array, any list, or a hashmap (only if allowsingle is not set)
return undefined

map - Map collection by callback function

function (collection, callback, [allowsingle])
collection can be single element (only if allowsingle is set to true), array, any list, or a hashmap (only if allowsingle is not set)
return single element if collection is single element, array if collection is not single element

chain - Chain operations on the target

function (target, function, ...)

DOM Handling

$ is the namespace for all DOM operation functions $ itself is a function too. $(sel) is equivalent to $.all(document, sel);

$.all - Get all matching elements (CSS Selector applies) (IE8+)

function ([element = document], selectorString)
return a nodelist;

$.one - Get first matching element (of all) (IE8+)

function ([element = document], selectorString)
return a node;

$.id - Get element by ID

function ([element = document], idWithoutPrefix#)
return a node;

$.ready - Callback when DOM element(s) is/are ready (IE9+)

function([elements = document], callback)

$.on - Attach event listener to element(s)

function(elements, eventName, callback, isCaptureBubbling)
isCaptureBubbling not working in IE

$.attr - Get/Set attribute of element(s)

function (elements, attributeName [, attributeValue]
return undefined if setting, attributeValue(s) if getting

$.css - Get/Set css style of element(s)

$.prop - Get/Set property of element(s)

$.ajax - Send AJAX request to server

function (url, data, [usePost], successCallback, [errorCallback, progressCallback])
url string
data string or object; if it is object, it should be as following:
{text: dataString, mimetype : mimetypestring, otherheader : otherheadervalue, ...}
userPost [optional] use "POST" if true, use "GET" if false or not given
successCallback: function (response, statusCode)
errorCallback [optional] function (response, statusCode)
progressCallback [optional] function (response)