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Quick and ugly startup guide

If you don't want to bother with all this, here's a virtual machine with everything set up: EqBeats.ova (1.06GB) MD5 SHA1 torrent magnet


  • A webserver that supports FastCGI
  • PostgreSQL with libpq
  • libfcgi (or just fcgi in some package managers)
  • GNU cgicc
  • spawn-fcgi
  • libpcre++ (sometimes included with pcre)
  • TagLib with Opus support (current stable TagLib doesn't have it)
  • ImageMagick
  • Nettle
  • ctemplate
  • FFmpeg compiled with libfdk_aac and libopus support
  • Optional: OpenBSD netcat for hitsd
  • Optional: OpenBSD netcat, Python 3.x and psycopg2 for YouTube support

Preliminary setup


Set the EQBEATS_DIR environment variable to your eqbeats directory and the EQBEATS_YT_API_KEY to your YouTube API key. You can acquire one here.

You can set the EQBEATS_HTTPS variable to anything if you wish to always use https.

You also need to make sure that you are in the http group, as well as the user running the webserver.

There should be a tracks directory and an art directory with two subdirectories, art/medium and art/thumb, in the directory where EqBeats is installed. The user you plan to run as should have write permission to these.


Point your FastCGI-enabled webserver to the Unix socket $EQBEATS_DIR/eqbeats.sock.

You'll also need to alias /static/ to $EQBEATS_DIR/static/, and proxy /download/art/ and /download/tracks/ to $EQBEATS_DIR/art/ and $EQBEATS_DIR/tracks/, respectively.

Here is a sample config for nginx:

server {
    listen       [::]:80;
    server_name localhost;
    client_max_body_size 100m;

    error_page 502 /static/502.html;

    location / {
        include fastcgi.conf;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/home/you/eqbeats/eqbeats.sock;
    location /static {
        root /home/you/eqbeats/;
    location /downloads/art {
        alias /home/you/eqbeats/art/;
    location /downloads/tracks {
        alias /home/you/eqbeats/tracks/;
    location /downloads/udpstat {
        alias /home/you/eqbeats/udpstat/;
    location /robots.txt { alias /home/you/eqbeats/static/robots.txt; }


By default, EqBeats will use the default PostgreSQL DB for your user, so make sure you have one and that the pgcrypto extension is enabled on it.

su postgres -c 'createuser -d YOURNAME'
su YOU -c 'createdb'
su postgres
echo "CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;" | psql -d YOURNAME

Then, import the database schema:

psql -d YOURNAME < sql/db.sql

Compiling and starting

./ start