Developed and tested with the following software:
- a bash-like shell (macOS Sierra 10.12.3)
- cloud foundry command line interface installed
$ brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
$ brew install cf-cli
$ cf -v
cf version 6.23.0+c7866be18-2016-12-22
via homebrew or download and install from:
- mongodb 3.4.0 running locally
$ brew install mongodb
$ mongod
via homebrew or download and install from:
- git
$ git --version
git version 2.10.1
via homebrew or download and install from:
- jdk 1.8+
$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.112-b16, mixed mode)
on the following languages:
- scala 2.11.8
- sbt 0.13.13
- ruby 2.4.0
- node 7.5.0
The Java portion of this project runs on Spring Boot and uses Spring Data MongoDB and Spring REST. Cloud configuration is provided by Spring Cloud Connectors. The tests expect a local running copy of MongoDB in order to test properly.
To Run
./gradlew bootRun
To Test
./gradlew test
To Package for Deployment
./gradlew build
The Scala portion of this project runs on Scalatra with ReactiveMongo for asynchronous persistence.
To Run
./sbt ~jetty:start
To Test
./sbt test
To Package for Deployment
./sbt clean assembly
The Ruby portion of this project runs on Sinatra.
$ sudo gem install bundler`
$ bundle install
To Run
bundle exec thin start
To Test
ruby devnexus.spec.rb
The node.js portion of this project runs on Restify. Tests are executed by Mocha with Chai assertions using supertest.
$ npm install
To Run
npm start
To Test
npm test