b# Great Moyi Billiards
- Initial changelog for the project
- Main components and pages created
- ❌Adding pool game failed❌
- Logo, thumbnails and icons all set up
- Added an online pool game 🎮
- all pages designed and synced
- Responsiveness partially made
- Configured Meta information for perfect SEO
- Fixed font issues
- added local data storages for easy web updating
- Order now, sends you to whatsapp to complete the negotiation
- dynamic Content fetching
- Data folder created 💾
- Updated contact page
- Added lazy loading to all requests and page change
- Footer is more meaningful
- All link buttons successfully configured
- Lighthouse results: 66% - Performance | 95% Accessbility | 96% Best practices | 92% SEO
- Repsonsiveness configured
- (Minor change) Added progress custom progress bar loading
- Migration from pocketbase to AppWrite
- Introduced Ads (vertical & horizontal)
- Improved performance