- This repository provides simple PyTorch implementations for adversarial training methods on CIFAR-10.
- This repository shows accuracies that are similar to the accuracies in the original papers.
- If you have questions about this repository, please send an e-mail to me (dongbinna@postech.ac.kr) or make an issue.
- The basic experiment setting used in this repository follows the setting used in Madry Laboratory.
- Dataset: CIFAR-10 (10 classes)
- Attack method: PGD attack
- Epsilon size: 0.0314 for L-infinity bound
- Epsilon size: 0.25 (for attack) or 0.5 (for training) for L2 bound
- Training batch size: 128
- Weight decay: 0.0002
- Momentum: 0.9
- Learning rate adjustment
- 0.1 for epoch [0, 100)
- 0.01 for epoch [100, 150)
- 0.001 for epoch [150, 200)
- The ResNet-18 architecture used in this repository is smaller than Madry Laboratory, but its performance is similar.
- The basic training method adopts ResNet-18 architecture proposed by Kaiming He in CVPR 2016.
- But, the architecture in this repository uses 32 X 32 inputs for CIFAR-10 (original ResNet-18 is for ImageNet).
python3 basic_training.py
This repository | |
Benign accuracy | 95.28% |
Robust accuracy (L-infinity PGD) | 1.02% |
- Training time: 2 hours 24 minutes using 1 Titan XP
- Trained model download: Basic Training
- This defense method was proposed by Aleksander Madry in ICLR 2018.
python3 pgd_adversarial_training.py
This repository | Original paper (wide) | |
Benign accuracy | 83.53% | 87.30% |
Robust accuracy (L-infinity PGD) | 46.07% | 50.00% |
- Training time: 11 hours 12 minutes using 1 Titan XP
- Trained model download: PGD Adversarial Training
- This defense method was proposed by Alex Lamb in AISec 2019.
python3 interpolated_adversarial_training.py
This repository | Original paper | |
Benign accuracy | 91.86% | 89.88% |
Robust accuracy (L-infinity PGD) | 44.76% | 44.57% |
- Training time: 15 hours 18 minutes using 1 Titan XP
- Trained model download: Interpolated Adversarial Training
- A normal dataset can be split into a robust dataset and a non-robust dataset.
- This robust dataset is conducted from an L2 adversarially trained model (epsilon = 0.5).
- The construction method for a robust dataset is proposed by Andrew Ilyas in NIPS 2019.
- Dataset download: Robust Dataset
python3 basic_training_with_robust_dataset.py
This repository | Original paper (wide) | |
Benign accuracy | 78.69% | 84.10% |
Robust accuracy (L2 PGD 0.25) | 37.96% | 48.27% |
- The normal dataset can be split into a robust dataset and a non-robust dataset.
- This non-robust dataset is conducted from an L2 adversarially trained model (epsilon = 0.5).
- The construction method for a non-robust dataset is proposed by Andrew Ilyas in NIPS 2019.
- Dataset download: Non-robust Dataset
python3 basic_training_with_non_robust_dataset.py
This repository | Original paper (wide) | |
Benign accuracy | 82.00% | 87.68% |
Robust accuracy (L2 PGD 0.25) | 0.10% | 0.82% |
- The attack method is the PGD attack.
- All pre-trained models are provided in this repository :)
python3 test.py