It is a platform where students use to code online like many competative sites. It is a college competative platform for teacher-student interaction. Teachers organise events for the students. This improves the skills set of students.
- PHP > 5.6
- Composer
- Laravel > 5.2
Fork and Clone this repo or download it on your local system.
Open composer and run this given command.
composer install
composer update
After installing composer, Rename the file .env.example
to .env
cp .env.example .env
Set db credentials in .env
and run the project.
Generate the Application key
php artisan key:generate
Migrate the database.
php artisan migrate
Seed the database
php artisan db:seed
For Login
For Student login:
Admission No. : 15cse075
Password : helloworld
For Teacher login:
Email Id :
Password : helloworld
For SuperAdmin:
Email Id :
Password : helloworld
Run this project on localhost
php artisan serve
This project will run on this server: