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142 lines (78 loc) · 5.13 KB

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142 lines (78 loc) · 5.13 KB
              『o』『P』『A』『N』『D』『A』『o』  (っ◔◡◔)  『P』『H』『I』『S』『H』『I』『N』『G』


                               C O N T A C T  ♥  I N F O R M A T I O N


🎀 Gmail 👉

🎀 GitHub 👉


                                           V E R S I O N



🎀 oPANDAoPhishing v1.0

🎀 Coded by 👉 @opandao-oo

🎀 Tool Link 👉



                                         T O O L  ♥  F E A T U R E S

====================================================================================== -----------Customized Pages-------------♥♥♥-----------------New Pages-----------------






























                  I T  I S  T H E  M O S T  A D V A N C E  P H I S H I N G  T O O L


🎀 👉 oPANDAoPhishing v1.0 tool is an upgrade from original ShellPhish Tool ( by @opandao-oo under GNU General Public License v3.0 LICENSE.


                               L E G A L  ♥  D I S C L A M E R


Usage of oPANDAoPhishing for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. THANK YOU ♥


                                             U S A G E


git clone
"S e c u r i t y   Q u e s t i o n   A l e r t   I n   T h e   b e g i n n i n g"
                                 !OTP Bypass Instructions!
When victim enter his credentials, you need to go to original website and use those
credentials to send real OTP to victim. Once he enter that OTP such OTP will also be
there with you and you will be allowed to login the account before him.


                                           I M P O R T A N T  ♥  N O T E


😡 Don't try to copy new phishing pages from oPANDAophishing v1.0, Otherwise we will take a very strict action against you. THANK YOU ♥


                                            ♥ S U P P O R T ♥
