Serve gif present in a minio bucket.
s3www microservice will service gif stored in Minio bucket by keeping the bucket private.
- There are 2 helm-charts
. Minio helm-chart will deploy a deployment & a job & s3www helm-chart will be deploying the s3www-server deployment. - For
helm-chart, the deployment is a minio-server which is going to emulate the behaviour of s3 and the job is running a script which is going to download the gif and copy it in the minio bucket. - s3www-server is going to server the file stored in the s3 bucket.
- Both
have hpa deployed & are using custom metrics for scaling. - We have a 3rd helm chart which is deploying monitoring resources & config. Via this chart we're deploying
. Prometheus-operator has scrape-config which is going to scrape minio metrics from/minio/v2/metrics/*
endpoint. Then we're using prometheus-adapter to transform specific prometheus metrics for hpa scaling. - We'll be using
templates to deploy our helm charts. - The
is just being used for deploying our helm-charts, all the necessary configuration is in the values file of the helm-charts.
The s3www
image is only available for amd64
CPU type architecture. If your system's CPU architecture is arm64
, in that case the s3www
container will fail. Either deploy this on amd64 setup or you need to locally build s3www docker image
and then use it.
Starting fresh minikube with 2 nodes
minikube delete && minikube start --nodes=2
Appling terraform templates
[1] Make sure to run the minikube tunnel
command in a seperate terminal. We'll need it to create LoadBalancer for our service.
[2] Also make sure that you kubeconfig
is in this path - ~/.kube/config
. If not then you need to change the config_path
in terraform/
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
After applying our terraform templates, the terminal in which you ran minikube tunnel
command might ask for password.
Once the resources are deployed. You can use LoadBalancer to access the web.
Use the s3www-service
kubectl get svc
The HPA metrics can take sometime to show up.
Remove all the resources deployed by the stack.
terraform destroy
minikube delete
NOTE: This is the list of issue that you could encounter
- s3-www service launch issue
This is a CPU architecture issue. s3www only has image for ard64 CPU architecture. You are probably using ARM based architecture. Either launch the stack on AMD based CPU architecture or build the s3www image locally.
exec /s3www: exec format error
- Backend Initilization Issue
This is a stale disk information issue, so usually reboot will fix the problem. Start a fresh minikube cluster. Use the minikube command above.
Error: Unable to initialize backend: Storage resources are insufficient for the write operation .minio.sys/pool.bin, retrying in 570.747571ms (*fmt.wrapError) 6: internal/logger/logger.go:243:logger.LogIf() 5: cmd/erasure-server-pool.go:192:cmd.newErasureServerPools() 4: cmd/server-main.go:1059:cmd.newObjectLayer() 3: cmd/server-main.go:799:cmd.serverMain.func10() 2: cmd/server-main.go:498:cmd.bootstrapTrace() 1: cmd/server-main.go:797:cmd.serverMain()