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darwin committed Oct 18, 2010
2 parents f47cae0 + f733305 commit d21162a
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Showing 5 changed files with 97 additions and 100 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions plugin/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/LicensingInfo.html
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Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
.note {font-size: 9px;}

<p>You may use your license in one of two ways:</p>
<div class="choice">1. <strong>one user on multiple computers</strong> <span class="note">(as long as you are the only user using TotalFinder)</span></div>
<div class="example">Example: a desktop computer and a personal laptop which are both used exclusively by you</div>
<div class="choice">2. <strong>multiple users on a single computer</strong></div>
<div class="example">Example: a home computer which is shared by all family members</div>
<p class="note">For more information on licensing please visit <a href=""></a></p>
<div class="choice">1. <strong>一個使用者在多台電腦上</strong> <span class="note">(只要您是唯一使用 TotalFinder 的使用者)</span></div>
<div class="example">例如: 一台桌上型電腦和一台筆記型電腦都是由您使用</div>
<div class="choice">2. <strong>多個使用者在一台電腦上</strong></div>
<div class="example">例如: 一台家用電腦給所有家人共用</div>
<p class="note">更多關於授權的資訊請造訪 <a href=""></a></p>
86 changes: 43 additions & 43 deletions plugin/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/Localizable.strings
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@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
/* navigation bar */
"Visor" = "滑入視窗";
"Asepsis" = "隔離";
"Tweaks" = "配置";
"Tweaks" = "設定";
"About" = "關於";

/* visor page */
"Visor Feature" = "滑入視窗";
"a system-wide window sliding from the bottom on a hot-key" = "透過系統熱鍵將視窗從屏幕底部向上滑入";
"Visor Feature" = "啟用滑入視窗";
"a system-wide window sliding from the bottom on a hot-key" = "以快速鍵呼叫視窗由螢幕底部滑入";

"Activation:" = "激活熱鍵:";
"Activation:" = "快速鍵:";

"Control:" = "操作:";
"Hide on ESC" = "使用 ESC 隱藏視窗";
"Pin Visor" = "視窗固定熱鍵:";
"Control:" = "控制:";
"Hide on ESC" = " ESC 隱藏";
"Pin Visor" = "固定滑入視窗:";

"Animation:" = "動效:";
"Animation:" = "動畫特效:";
"Fade Window" = "視窗淡入/淡出";
"Slide Window" = "視窗滑入/滑出";

"Screen:" = "顯示器:";
"Show on all Spaces" = "在所有Spaces空間顯示";
"Show on top of the Dock" = "顯示在Dock上面";
"Free Form Window" = "隨意控制滑入視窗大小位置";
"Show on all Spaces" = "顯示於每個 Spaces 空間";
"Show on top of the Dock" = "顯示在 Dock 上層";
"Free Form Window" = "自由調整視窗大小位置";

/* asepsis page */
"Asepsis Feature" = "隔離隱藏文件";
"prevents .DS_Store files to be created in local folders" = "防止.DS_Store文件寫入在本地文件夾";
".DS_Store files will be redirected into" = "把所有.DS_Store檔案保存到";
"this folder should be set as writable for all users of TotalFinder" = "該文件夾必須是全部TotalFinder用戶可讀寫";
"Launch Migration Assistant" = "啟動遷移助理";
"Asepsis Feature" = "啟用隔離";
"prevents .DS_Store files to be created in local folders" = "防止 .DS_Store 檔案寫入本地檔案夾";
".DS_Store files will be redirected into" = "把所有 .DS_Store 檔案儲存到";
"this folder should be set as writable for all users of TotalFinder" = "該檔案夾必須是所有 TotalFinder 使用者都可寫入";
"Launch Migration Assistant" = "啟動搬移助理";
"TotalFinder.kext status" = "TotalFinder.kext 狀態";
"Unable to connect" = "連接不到kernel extension!\nTotalFinder kernel extension是否已經安裝?";
"Unable to connect" = "無法連接";
"Advanced:" = "進階:";
"Don't write .DS_Store to Network" = "不把.DS_Store寫在網絡";
"Don't write .DS_Store to Network" = "不要寫入 .DS_Store 到網路";

/* tweaks page */
"Reset TotalFinder to defaults" = "把配置重設到TotalFinder默認";
"Reset TotalFinder to defaults" = "將 TotalFinder 重設到預設值";

"File Browser:" = "檔案瀏覽:";
"Show System Files" = "顯示系統文件";
"Folders on Top" = "文件夾置頂";
"Always Maximize" = "默認最大化";
"Toggle Dual Mode" = "雙視窗模式";
"Show System Files" = "顯示系統檔案";
"Folders on Top" = "檔案夾置頂";
"Always Maximize" = "總是最大化";
"Toggle Dual Mode" = "切換雙視窗模式";

"Menu and Dock:" = "菜單 及 Dock:";
"Hide icon in Menu Bar" = "在狀態欄菜單不顯示TotalFinder";
"Keep original Dock icon" = "使用原始Finder Dock圖標";
"Menu and Dock:" = "選單及 Dock:";
"Hide icon in Menu Bar" = "隱藏選單列圖示";
"Keep original Dock icon" = "保留原始 Dock 圖示";

"Experimental:" = "實驗:";
"Experimental:" = "實驗性:";
"Freelance Windows" = "使用自由視窗";
"Use narrow Tabs Bar" = "使用窄標簽欄";
"Use narrow Tabs Bar" = "使用較窄分頁列";

/* about page */
"Check for updates…" = "更新檢查…";
"Check for updates…" = "檢查更新…";

/* registration */
"TotalFinder Registration" = "TotalFinder Registration";
"Registration" = "Registration";
"Please enter your license details from the email we have sent you:" = "Please enter your license details from the email we have sent you:";
"Buy TotalFinder Now" = "Buy TotalFinder Now";
"Register" = "Register";
"Thanks for registering!" = "Thanks for registering!";
"This TotalFinder copy is licensed to:" = "This TotalFinder copy is licensed to:";
"Close" = "Close";
"Change License" = "Change License";
"Back" = "Back";
"Invalid license code" = "Invalid license code";
"Please go back and try again." = "Please go back and try again.";
"To purchase a license for TotalFinder, please visit BinaryAge web store." = "To purchase a license for TotalFinder, please visit BinaryAge web store.";
"Thank you for using TotalFinder!" = "Thank you for using TotalFinder!";
"TotalFinder Registration" = "註冊 TotalFinder";
"Registration" = "註冊";
"Please enter your license details from the email we have sent you:" = "請輸入我們寄給您的授權資訊:";
"Buy TotalFinder Now" = "馬上購買 TotalFinder";
"Register" = "註冊";
"Thanks for registering!" = "感謝您的註冊!";
"This TotalFinder copy is licensed to:" = "這份 TotalFinder 授權給:";
"Close" = "關閉";
"Change License" = "變更授權";
"Back" = "返回";
"Invalid license code" = "無效的授權碼";
"Please go back and try again." = "請返回再試一次。";
"To purchase a license for TotalFinder, please visit BinaryAge web store." = "要購買 TotalFinder 授權,請造訪 BinaryAge 網路商店。";
"Thank you for using TotalFinder!" = "感謝您使用 TotalFinder!";
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions plugin/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/PurchaseScreen.html
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Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,10 @@
p{margin-bottom: 20px}

<p><h1>TotalFinder ##VERSION##</h1></p>
<p>此 ALPHA 版本將會在 <b>##EXPIRY##</b> 到期</p>
<p>在開發TotalFinder過程中, 我調用了多個<a href="">開源代碼庫</a>,在此特別鳴謝代碼庫所有原作者!</p>
<p>有關最新產品消息,請訪問:<a href=""></a></p>
網站: <a href=""></a><br/>
說明文件: <a href="">http://.../documentation</a><br/>
支援: <a href=""></a>
<p>TotalFinder 是在許多開放原始碼工具幫助之下完成的。非常感謝<a href="">作者們</a>!</p>
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions plugin/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/ShortcutRecorder.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"Space" = "空白鍵";
"Use old shortcut" = "用原本快速鍵";
"Type shortcut" = "請按快速鍵";
"Click to record shortcut" = "更改快速鍵請在此點擊";
"Use old shortcut" = "使用舊的快速鍵";
"Type shortcut" = "輸入快速鍵";
"Click to record shortcut" = "點一下記錄快速鍵";
"Pad %@" = "Pad %@";
"The key combination %@ can't be used!" = "此快速鍵組合 %@ 不可用!";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because %@." = "此快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 不可用因為 %@.";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by a system-wide keyboard shortcut. (If you really want to use this key combination, most shortcuts can be changed in the Keyboard & Mouse panel in System Preferences.)" = "此快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 不可用因為已經被其他系統使用. (在系統偏好設定中的鍵盤-鍵盤快速鍵設定,你可以修改更改其他系統快速鍵)";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by the menu item \"%@\"." = "此快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 不可用因為已經被菜單項佔用 \"%@\".";
"The key combination %@ can't be used!" = "快速鍵組合 %@ 無法使用!";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because %@." = "快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 無法使用,因為 %@";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by a system-wide keyboard shortcut. (If you really want to use this key combination, most shortcuts can be changed in the Keyboard & Mouse panel in System Preferences.)" = "快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 無法使用,因為已經被其他系統快速鍵使用。 (如果您真的想要使用這個快速鍵,大部分可以在系統偏好設定中的鍵盤-鍵盤快速鍵更改。)";
"The key combination \"%@\" can't be used because it's already used by the menu item \"%@\"." = "快速鍵組合 \"%@\" 無法使用,因為已經被選單項目佔用 \"%@\"";
"Command + " = "Command + ";
"Option + " = "Option + ";
"Shift + " = "Shift + ";
Expand Down
68 changes: 34 additions & 34 deletions plugin/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/TotalFinder.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
/* TotalFinder Status Menu Item */
"Check for Updates" = "更新檢查";
"Uninstall TotalFinder" = "卸載 TotalFinder";
"Restart Finder" = "重啟 Finder";
"Check for Updates" = "檢查更新";
"Uninstall TotalFinder" = "移除 TotalFinder";
"Restart Finder" = "重新啟動 Finder";
"Show Visor" = "顯示滑入視窗";
"Hide Visor" = "隱藏滑入視窗";

/* Asepsis preferences pane */
"Disconnect" = "斷線";
"Connect" = "連線";
"Unable to connect with kernel extension! Do you have TotalFinder.kext properly installed?" = "連接不到kernel extension!\nTotalFinder kernel extension是否已經安裝?";
"Disconnect" = "中斷";
"Connect" = "連接";
"Unable to connect with kernel extension! Do you have TotalFinder.kext properly installed?" = "無法連接到 kernel extension! TotalFinder kernel extension是否已經正確安裝?";

/* About preferences pane */
"from Beta Channel" = "from Beta Channel";
"from Dev Channel" = "from Dev Channel";
"from Stable Channel" = "from Stable Channel";
"from Beta Channel" = " Beta 頻道";
"from Dev Channel" = " Dev 頻道";
"from Stable Channel" = " Stable 頻道";

/* Reset to Defaults Alert Box */
"Reset" = "重置";
"Reset" = "重設";
"Cancel" = "取消";
"Do you really want reset to defaults?" = "是否確定把配置重設到TotalFinder默認?";
"This will restore initial TotalFinder settings." = "把配置重設到TotalFinder默認";
"Do you really want reset to defaults?" = "您確定要重設到預設值?";
"This will restore initial TotalFinder settings." = "這將會還原 TotalFinder 的初始設定。";

/* Unistall Alert Box */
"Uninstall" = "卸載";
"Really want to uninstall TotalFinder?" = "是否確定把TotalFinder卸載?";
"This will launch an uninstall script which will remove TotalFinder from this computer and restore your original Finder behavior." = "啟動卸載程式把TotalFinder卸載,恢復原本Finder";
"Uninstall" = "移除";
"Really want to uninstall TotalFinder?" = "確定要移除 TotalFinder?";
"This will launch an uninstall script which will remove TotalFinder from this computer and restore your original Finder behavior." = "這將會啟動移除程式將TotalFinder移除,並還原您原始的Finder。";

/* MainMenu items */
"New Finder Tab" = "創建新標簽";
"Close Tab" = "關閉標簽";
"New Finder Tab" = "新增 Finder 分頁";
"Close Tab" = "關閉分頁";
"Close Window" = "關閉視窗";
"Show System Files" = "顯示系統文件";
"Folders On Top" = "文件夾置頂";
"Show System Files" = "顯示系統檔案";
"Folders On Top" = "檔案夾置頂";
"Toggle Dual Mode" = "雙視窗模式";
"Narrow Tabs Bar" = "窄標簽欄";
"Pin Visor" = "視窗固定";
"TotalFinder Preferences…" = "TotalFinder配置 …";
"Visit Homepage…" = "訪問主頁…";
"Narrow Tabs Bar" = "較窄分頁列";
"Pin Visor" = "固定滑入視窗";
"TotalFinder Preferences…" = "TotalFinder 設定…";
"Visit Homepage…" = "造訪網站…";

/* misc. */
"Screen %d" = "顯示器 %d";

/* status badge */
"TotalFinder - unregistered version" = "TotalFinder - unregistered version";
"TotalFinder - 1 day left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 1 day left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - 2 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 2 days left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - 3 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 3 days left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - 4 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 4 days left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - 5 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 5 days left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - %d days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - %d days left - buy now!";
"TotalFinder - unregistered version" = "TotalFinder - 未註冊版本";
"TotalFinder - 1 day left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 1 天 - 馬上購買!";
"TotalFinder - 2 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 2 天 - 馬上購買!";
"TotalFinder - 3 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 3 天 - 馬上購買!";
"TotalFinder - 4 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 4 天 - 馬上購買!";
"TotalFinder - 5 days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 5 天 - 馬上購買!";
"TotalFinder - %d days left - buy now!" = "TotalFinder - 剩下 %d 天 - 馬上購買!";

/* registration */
"Licensed to %@" = "Licensed to %@";
"Change License" = "Change License";
"Unregistered version in trial mode" = "Unregistered version in trial mode";
"Register" = "Register";
"Licensed to %@" = "授權給 %@";
"Change License" = "變更授權";
"Unregistered version in trial mode" = "未註冊版本 試用模式";
"Register" = "註冊";

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