layout hero features home name text tagline image actions Nafi Dev Software Developers Off-the-rack works, but tailored fits best. dark light alt /logo-dark.svg /logo-light.svg Nafi Dev theme text link brand Meet our team /team theme text link alt Contact Us icon title details link linkText 🧵 Custom Component Libraries Tailor-made UI components to ensure design consistency and development efficiency. natalia/live-projects#custom-component-library Case study icon title details link linkText ⛓️ Decentralized Web Applications (dApps) Transitioning traditional apps to decentralized platforms for full data ownership and security. natalia/live-projects#fullstack-todo-app Case study icon title details link linkText 📱 Modern UI Solutions Responsive, accessible, and visually polished interfaces that elevate user experience. /live-projects#fullstack-e-commerce-website Case study icon title details link linkText 🔗 Seamless Frontend-Backend Integration Bridging the gap between design and functionality. /live-projects Case study <script setup> import InteractiveBG from './InteractiveBG.vue' </script>