Geoprocessing routines for Earth Science Applications.
This project houses several general application used within the ILAB for processes such as data downloads, preprocessing, etc. It was not designed as a Python package, but more as a suite of projects.
You can simply clone this repository and use any of the tools needed for your project. Feel free to active the ilab-pytorch environment from within the Explore system. If you need to build your own environment, below are some instructions on how to build a conda environment.
>> conda create --name geoproc
>> conda activate geoproc
(geoproc)>> conda install -c conda-forge xarray dask distributed matplotlib datashader colorcet holoviews numpy geopandas descartes utm shapely regionmask iris rasterio cligj bottleneck umap-learn scipy scikit-learn numba
(geoproc)>> pip install wget
(geoproc)>> git clone
(geoproc)>> cd geoProc
(geoproc)>> python install