What's Changed
- Celery bug fix by @cssprad1 in #1
- Added redis-core updates by @cssprad1 in #2
- EVHR Dashboard Notebook by @cssprad1 in #4
- Revert "EVHR Dashboard Notebook" by @cssprad1 in #5
- Dashboard by @cssprad1 in #7
- Release for dashboard by @cssprad1 in #8
- Adding updates to README including small tutorial and DOI badge by @cssprad1 in #14
- Removed Footprints from EvhrToA by @evhrgh in #25
- Remove footprints from DemCreator by @cssprad1 in #22
- Rename output files by @evhrgh in #27
- Sprint 2 by @evhrgh in #30
- User-provided DEM and control flag for DEM used in EvhrToA process by @cssprad1 in #29
- added default cog support to DemCreator by @cssprad1 in #31
- Gdal updrade clip issue by @cssprad1 in #32
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...2.3.0