A CLI (commandline-interface) decrypt and encrypt utility for Hollow Knight save files written in Python 3. The basic usage contains two modes:
: decrypt a hollow knight save file and save the resulting data in a json-formatted text fileencrypt
: encrypt a json-formatted save file and save the result as a hollow knight save file
A bundled executable for Windows can be downloaded in releases
: https://github.com/nakami/Hollow-Knight-Save-Crypto/releases
Inspired by:
- Hollow-Knight-SaveManager by KayDeeTee: https://github.com/KayDeeTee/Hollow-Knight-SaveManager/
- hollow by bloodorca: https://github.com/bloodorca/hollow
If you want to run the script as a bundled Windows executable, you do not need to install anything.
If you want to run the Python script via Python you need to install the following package:
You can install this package by running pip install pycryptodome
Shown here is the usage by running the Python script. Using the bundled Windows Executable, just replace the command python hollow_knight_save_crypto.py
with hollow_knight_save_crypto.exe
or--input FILE_PATH
: (required) path to a hollow knight save file-o FILE_PATH
or--output FILE_PATH
: path for a resulting json-formatted text file-v
: verbose output (outputs some details in the commandline)
> python .\hollow_knight_save_crypto.py decrypt -h
usage: hollow_knight_save_crypto.py decrypt [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
file to output the content of the hollow knight save
-v, --verbose verbose output
required named arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
hollow knight save file (.dat) to decrypt
> python .\hollow_knight_save_crypto.py decrypt -i user1.dat -o user1.json -v
decrypt mode
reading file: user1.dat
decrypting... ok
writing to file: user1.json)
or--input FILE_PATH
: (required) path to resulting json-formatted text file-o FILE_PATH
or--output FILE_PATH
: path for a resulting hollow knight save file-v
: verbose output (outputs some details in the commandline)
> python .\hollow_knight_save_crypto.py encrypt -h
usage: hollow_knight_save_crypto.py encrypt [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
file to output hollow knight save data
-v, --verbose verbose output
required named arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
hollow knight save file in json-format (.json)
> python .\hollow_knight_save_crypto.py encrypt -i user1.json -o newsave.dat -v
encrypt mode
reading file: user1.json
encrypting... ok
writing to file: newsave.dat)
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or sending pull requests.