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This project focuses on analyzing pizza sales data using Power BI. The goal is to provide insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) such as total revenue, total pizzas sold, average order value, and more. The data includes sales, orders, and product performance for a pizza business across various dimensions like pizza categories, sizes, and time periods. This repository also contains SQL scripts for analyzing pizza sales data, including KPIs, revenue distribution by category and size, and ranking best/worst sellers by revenue, quantity, and order count.
- Analyze sales performance: Understand sales trends, best-selling pizzas, and revenue distribution.
- Track customer behavior: Examine average order values, order patterns by day and month, and pizza preferences.
- Identify best and worst sellers: Highlight the pizzas that generate the highest and lowest revenues and order quantities.
- Optimize business performance: Provide actionable insights to improve sales and inventory decisions.
The dataset includes the following information:
- Total Revenue: Overall sales in dollar amounts.
- Total Orders: Number of orders placed.
- Average Order Value: The average dollar value of each order.
- Total Pizzas Sold: The number of pizzas sold in different categories (Classic, Supreme, Chicken, Veggie).
- Sales by Pizza Size: Distribution of revenue by pizza sizes (Large, Medium, Regular, X-Large).
- Best and Worst Selling Pizzas: Performance metrics for pizzas based on revenue and orders.
- Orders by Day and Month: Breakdown of total orders by each day of the week and each month of the year.
- Total Revenue: Total sales generated within the reporting period.
- Total Orders: Total number of pizza orders placed.
- Average Order Value: Average value of each order.
- Total Pizzas Sold: Total number of pizzas sold, broken down by category and size.
- Best and Worst Sellers: Identifies the pizzas with the highest and lowest revenue and order counts.
- Orders by Day and Month: Insights into peak sales periods.
- Power BI: For data visualization and reporting.
- Excel: For storing and processing the raw sales data.
- PDF Reports: Contain summaries of key metrics and insights (e.g., total revenue, top 5 best and worst-selling pizzas).
- Load the provided dataset into Power BI.
- Use the pre-built visualizations to analyze pizza sales by category, size, and time period.
- Adjust filters to focus on specific metrics like revenue, orders, or product performance.
- Review insights such as best-selling pizzas, daily and monthly sales trends, and average order values.
The following insights can be generated from the data:
- Total Revenue and Orders Report: Provides an overview of revenue, total orders, and average order value.
- Best and Worst Selling Pizzas: Displays the top 5 and bottom 5 pizzas by revenue, order quantity, and overall performance.
- Orders by Day and Month: Highlights trends in customer ordering patterns by days of the week and months of the year.
- Revenue by Pizza Category and Size: Breaks down the revenue distribution by pizza type (Classic, Supreme, Veggie, Chicken) and by pizza size.
method is used here to import data from an external CSV file directly into the pizza_dataset
table in MySQL. This bulk loading approach allows for efficient importing of large datasets. The command includes the following options for accurate data parsing and handling:
: Specifies that fields in the CSV file are separated by commas.OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'
: Allows fields to be optionally enclosed by double quotes, useful for text fields containing commas.LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'
: Treats each line in the CSV file as a new row in the table.- Date Formatting: Uses
to convert date strings into MySQL's DATE format during the import process.
This method helps streamline the data loading process by minimizing the need for manual data entry and ensuring efficient data import.
- Create Schema and Load Data
CREATE SCHEMA pizza_sales; USE pizza_sales; CREATE TABLE pizza_dataset ( pizza_id INT, order_id INT, quantity INT, order_date DATE, unit_price DECIMAL(5, 2), total_price DECIMAL(5, 2), pizza_size VARCHAR(5), pizza_category VARCHAR(50), pizza_name VARCHAR(100) ); LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/pizza_sales_file.csv' INTO TABLE pizza_dataset FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 ROWS (pizza_id, order_id, quantity, @order_date, unit_price, total_price, pizza_size, pizza_category, pizza_name) SET order_date = STR_TO_DATE(@order_date, '%m/%d/%Y');
- Description: Calculations for total revenue, average order value, total pizzas sold, total orders, and average pizzas per order.
CREATE VIEW kpi_summary AS WITH KPI AS ( SELECT SUM(total_price) AS total_revenue, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS total_orders, SUM(quantity) AS total_pizzas_sold, SUM(total_price) / COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS avg_order_value, SUM(quantity) / COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS avg_pizzas_per_order FROM pizza_dataset ) SELECT * FROM KPI;
- Description: Shows each pizza category's revenue as a percentage of total revenue.
SELECT pizza_category, ROUND((SUM(total_price) / (SELECT SUM(total_price) FROM pizza_dataset) * 100), 2) AS revenue_pct FROM pizza_dataset GROUP BY pizza_category;
- Description: Calculates revenue percentage based on pizza size.
WITH transformed_sizes AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN pizza_size = 'S' THEN 'Regular' WHEN pizza_size = 'M' THEN 'Medium' WHEN pizza_size = 'L' THEN 'Large' WHEN pizza_size IN ('XL', 'XXL') THEN 'X-Large' ELSE pizza_size END AS pizza_size, total_price FROM pizza_dataset ) SELECT pizza_size, ROUND((SUM(total_price) / (SELECT SUM(total_price) FROM pizza_dataset) * 100), 2) AS revenue_pct FROM transformed_sizes GROUP BY pizza_size ORDER BY revenue_pct DESC;
- Description: Calculates total orders by each day of the week.
WITH DayOrders AS ( SELECT DAYNAME(order_date) AS day_name, COUNT(distinct order_id) AS total_orders FROM pizza_dataset GROUP BY DAYNAME(order_date) ) SELECT day_name, total_orders FROM DayOrders ORDER BY CASE day_name WHEN 'Sunday' THEN 1 WHEN 'Monday' THEN 2 WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN 3 WHEN 'Wednesday' THEN 4 WHEN 'Thursday' THEN 5 WHEN 'Friday' THEN 6 WHEN 'Saturday' THEN 7 END;
- Description: Calculates total orders for each month of the year.
WITH MonthOrders AS ( SELECT MONTHNAME(order_date) AS month_name, COUNT(distinct order_id) AS total_orders FROM pizza_dataset GROUP BY MONTHNAME(order_date) ) SELECT month_name, total_orders FROM MonthOrders ORDER BY CASE month_name WHEN 'January' THEN 1 WHEN 'February' THEN 2 WHEN 'March' THEN 3 WHEN 'April' THEN 4 WHEN 'May' THEN 5 WHEN 'June' THEN 6 WHEN 'July' THEN 7 WHEN 'August' THEN 8 WHEN 'September' THEN 9 WHEN 'October' THEN 10 WHEN 'November' THEN 11 WHEN 'December' THEN 12 END;
- Description: Shows total pizzas sold for each pizza category.
SELECT pizza_category, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity FROM pizza_dataset GROUP BY pizza_category ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC;
- Stored Procedures to retrieve top/bottom sellers based on various criteria (e.g., revenue, quantity, order count).
- SP-1
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE get_top_5(IN expr VARCHAR(255), IN alias_name VARCHAR(255)) BEGIN SET @sql_query = CONCAT( 'SELECT pizza_name, ', expr, ' AS ', alias_name, ' ', 'FROM pizza_dataset ', 'GROUP BY pizza_name ', 'ORDER BY ', alias_name, ' DESC ', 'LIMIT 5' ); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_query; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$ DELIMITER ;
- SP-2
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE get_bottom_5(IN expr VARCHAR(255), IN alias_name VARCHAR(255)) BEGIN SET @sql_query = CONCAT( 'SELECT pizza_name, ', expr, ' AS ', alias_name, ' ', 'FROM pizza_dataset ', 'GROUP BY pizza_name ', 'ORDER BY ', alias_name, ' ASC ', 'LIMIT 5' ); PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_query; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; END $$ DELIMITER ;
- Call SP-1
CALL get_top_5('SUM(CAST(total_price AS DECIMAL(10, 2)))', 'revenue');
- Call SP-2
CALL get_bottom_5('SUM(CAST(total_price AS DECIMAL(10, 2)))', 'revenue');
- Call SP-1
CALL get_top_5('SUM(quantity)', 'quantity');
- Call SP-2
CALL get_bottom_5('SUM(quantity)', 'quantity');
- Call SP-1
CALL get_top_5('COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)', 'orders');
- Call SP-1
CALL get_bottom_5('COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)', 'orders');
- Call SP-2
CALL get_bottom_5('COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)', 'orders');