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File metadata and controls

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Flags for your info, by Flagstaff

About by "Flagstaff" is a web compendium of flag info. It revolves around flags.json that contains stuff (images, description etc.) of vexillologic interest. is the canonical web app that is aimed to present these data in an user friendly manner.

Flagstaff is a project by "Flagstaff", an unincorporated entity, led by nafSadh.


Right now Flagstaff is pretty much an one-man-show.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# generate static project
$ npm run generate


  • Canonical path is supposed to remain unchanged wrt time. For example, should always refer to this website. In the same way, is the canonical path for the JSON file holding flag data.
  • In most cases we will be using canonical rpath (or simply "rpath"). A rpath is canonical path relative to site root; e.g., flags.json is rpath for aforementioned JSON. Site root can be referred to as /, but for other rpath, there should not be any leading slash.

Directory Structure

Flagstaff/ is built as a NuxtJS app and has following directory structue:

  • ~/assets
    • ~/assets/export: Contents from this directory is copied to generated site root. All content related to one country is usually placed in the same sub-directory. Files in this sub-directory should match rpath. This dir is virtually same as ~/static.
    • ~/assets/logo: Directory for logo files.
    • ~/assets/scss: SCSS files.
  • ~/components: Files for Vue.js Components. Not supercharged by NuxtJS.
  • ~/layouts: Vue files for NuxtJS layouts.
  • ~/middleware: {not used} NuxtJS middleware.
  • ~/pages : This directory contains Application Views and Routes. NuxtJS reads all the *.vue files inside this directory and creates the router of the app.
  • ~/plugins: Javascript plugins that needs to run before mounting the root Vue.js application.
  • ~/static: [Static files]]( Each file inside this directory is mapped to /. CNAME and flags.json resides here.
  • ~/store: {not used} For Vuex Store.

URL Structure

  • Root url is
  • flag-index/ shall be an index of all flags currently hosted.
  • Site is mostly flatly structured so that URLs can be as short as semantically plausible.
  • Page about a flag is at flag-id - this is always direct child of root. Location of a flag image is directly related to flag-id. Flag location is one hop away from root. Flag id can be grouped around top level entities (i.e., country, internation organizatio, civilization etc.). The flag image directly related to top level entity is at ${entity}/flag.svg and other flags are at ${entity}/{flag-name}.ext; flag-id for the later is of the format entity-flag-name.
    For example, national flag of Bangladesh is at bangladesh/flag.svg and the flag-id for it is bangladesh. The Naval Ensign for Bangladesh Navy is at bangladesh/navy.svg and the flag-id is bangladesh-navy. The historic flag used by the country in 1971 is at bangladesh/1971.svg and the flag-id for it is bangladesh-1971.