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245 lines (192 loc) · 9.42 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (192 loc) · 9.42 KB

flagstaff/ DEVNOTES

A reverse chronological log


  • flags/meta.json Previous/next navigation was generated in utils and was attached to Vue. This led to some issues. Now, added script to generate a flags/meta.json from flags.json.


  • Multiple namespaces may share same directory. For example, british oversearch terrtories and british crown dependencies both can share same ./british/ directory with first one in british namespace and the second one in namespace.

    This is achieved by introducing the concept of dot namespace, where resource related to a resides in namespace directory.


  • [flags]
    moved ~/asset/export/ to ~/asset/flags/ to better match with commit tag: [flag]
  • Renamed primary branch name to 'default' from 'master'


  • support markdown content Some flag info may contain rich text content. For example as article field. This can wither be markdown formatted string inline in flags.json files or some *.md file.
    These contents need to be loaded and rendered within Vue pages.

    Since, this project is using NuxtJS, official Nuxt wrapper for markdown-it , @nuxtjs/markdownit is the natural first choice. However, it is not the ideal candidate, was it relies on v-html= binding. Moreover, it is not well suited for loading .md files as it tends to load html-fied content from those.

    Thus we are using either of:

    1. markdown-it-vue. npm i markdown-it-vue --save
      • This leads to large build, jumping from 1.98 MB to ~4MB. Switching to import MarkdownItVueLight from 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue-light.umd.min.js' can reduce the size to 3.35MB.
      • markdown-it-vue and its light version comes with many fancy stuff ans css which makes it bloat
    2. vue-markdown Note: it was throwing some error complaining about babel runtime. Per this gh issue, npm i babel-runtime --save, solves it.
      • this still results in a build of 2.56 MB

    Beware: both of them are still doing client side loading.

    TODO: Find a way to optimize size, also have things ssr'd.

    To load raw markdown contents from .md files using webpack require(), we need to use raw-loader
    npm install raw-loader --save-dev

    Add following settings to nuxt.config.js:

    build: {
      extend(config, ctx) {
          test: /\.md$/i,
          use: 'raw-loader'


  • optimize generated file sizes
    • optimizeCSS
      bangladesh/index.html 90kB -> no change
      total /dist 14.2MB -> no change
    • extractCSS bangladesh/index.html 90kB -> 8.36kB
      total /dist 14.2MB -> 2.70MB
    • PurgeCSS
      bangladesh/index.html 8.36kB -> not affected
      generated total CSS files ~900kB -> ~50kB
      total /dist 2.70MB -> 1.98MB
      !!! but messes up style and layout
    • Optimize Font Awesome imports bangladesh/index.html 8.36kB -> 7.86kB
      generated total CSS files ~900kB -> ~800kB
      total /dist 2.70MB -> 1.98MB


  • use npm/gh-pages for deplyments
    • install using npm i -D gh-pages
    • add script in package.json: "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist -m 'deploy changes'"
    • sadly gh-pages doesn't update server for new files immediately and thus breaking things


  • Color strings
    • RGB Hex: Follow Google HTML/CSS Style Guide and "rules for serializing simple color values" from WHATWG HTML standard , thus use valid lowercase simple color , i.e., '#' followed by six lowercase hexadecimal digits; e.g.: #17afee.
      • Exception: To avoid typo, in JSON and code, shorthand is preferred for white (#fff), black (#000) and any color where all six digit are same (e.g., #yyy instead of #yyyyyy). For, rendered HTML use full 7 character.


  • Vue.js Slots

    • Slots can be used to pass through content into components.
  • Display JSON data in tree format

    • There are few Vue plugins for this, e.g., 'vue-json-component' and 'vue-json-tree-view'.
  • Installing Vue components/packages This was bit of hurdle. Some npm installed third-party components/packages cannot be imported right away.

    In constrast vanilla js npm packages like, lodash can be npm installed and used in any .vue file right away like this:

    import _ from 'lodash'

    Vue plugins need to be setup in NuxtJS. Some of them don't play nice with SSR. Set ssr to false for these.

    plugins: [{ src: '~/plugins/install-no-ssr.js', ssr: false }]

    See: SO answer.

    You might end up seeing following warning:

    [Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not matching
    server-rendered content. This is likely caused by incorrect HTML markup, for
    example nesting block-level elements inside <p>, or missing <tbody>. Bailing
    hydration and performing full client-side render.

    One solution can be wrapping use of such components within <client-only>. See more on: Develop Paper.


  • Supplementary flags.json files
    • aims to collect a lage amount of data on flags. This may lead to a very large flags.json file. The solution is to split this JSON file into many.
    • In the spirit of revolving around single flags.json, we will split data by fields. Top level flags.json will only contain bare minimum essential fields, such as, flag-id, svg, used as etc. All non essential fields, such as, color data, related flags etc. will be in many auxiliary JSON files.
    • Auxiliary JSON (auxJson) files will be in ~/assets/flags/ directories.
    • The first part of kebob-cased-flag-id is idPrefix. AuxJson files will be in directory named idPrefix. For example, auxJson for both bangladesh and bangladesh-navy is located at ~/assets/flags/bangladesh/flags.json.
    • To resolve existence of auxJson and loading them with ease, they need to be registered in ~/assets/flags/add-to-flags.json.


  • Bulma v0.9.0
    • Bulma released v0.9.0 but Buefy is on v0.7.5 and has yet to publish roadmap
    • meanwhile '@nuxtjs/bulma' from gh/nuxt-community/modules is yet to update
    • use to install Bulma from a fork of '@nuxtjs/bulma':
      • npm i '' --save
      • add '@nuxtjs/bulma'to nuxt.config.js:modules


  • The Flagstaff logo is used to represent both '' and 'Flagstaff'. It is essentially a flag on a flagstaff that looks like the letter 'F'.


  • uniform static-asset content structure
    • Flag images (svg and in on-ideal cases png/jpeg) needs to be displayed on (A) vue generated pages, such as, _flagId.vue (e.g. as an img loaded into and (B) available as direct url, e.g., For case A, to display htmls with preloaded img, these files needs to be served using webpack and hence be in ~/assets/ directory. In contrast, for case B, these files also need to be served from generated websites root location, i.e., as if they were in nuxt ~/static/ directory. Hence:
      • move flag images to ~/asset/export/ [updated on 2020.06.21:] ~/asset/flags/
      • use npm i copy-dir --save-dev to copy files from this directory to the dist/ root upon nuxt generate by adding a hook to generate.done


  • set local run --port 61495 as it is the leet for flags |f6|l1|A4|g9|S5|
  • unified URL structure:
    • should be the url for the page about the flag
      • hence ~/pages/_flag_id.vue
    • should be the url for static resources
      • hence ~/static/:flag/...
  • switch nuxt.mode to universal so that browser gets generated pages loaded with content


  • setup dynamic route generation for flag ids
    • add dummy static/flags.json
    • setup generate.routes() in nuxt.config.js
  • setup nuxt generated spa deployment for gh-pages
    • npm install push-dir --save-dev
    • add deploy script to package.json
      • "deploy": "push-dir --dir=dist --branch=gh-pages --cleanup"
    • move CNAME to static/CNAME
    • commit then run npm run generate and npm run deploy
    • switch "GitHub pages source" to gh-pages branch


  • restart as a Vue powered statically generated web app using NuxtJS
    • npx create-nuxt-app
  • clean slate
