A React web application to present information about OneQuantum Philippines' services, mission, and contact form. This website focuses on front-end development in partial fulfillment of OneQuantum PH's fellowship requirements for the product engineering workstream.
- Organization Details: Displays the name, logo, and description of OneQuantum PH.
- Navigation: Divides the website sections to 4 pages, which are Home, About Us, Services, and Contact.
- Animation and Transitions: Interactive animation in scroll and transitions for hovering elements.
- Responsive Layout: Layout is designed to be responsive with small screen sizes.
Due to limited information found on the current website of the organization, content from this website was generated from ChatGPT. Information from the website was provided to ChatGPT to produce an extended version of information that will suffice for a scrollable page.
- HTML: Structure the content of the web pages.
- CSS: Style the application for a user-friendly interface.
- JavaScript: Implement dynamic and interactive experience.
- React: Efficient component-based development.
- React Router: Managing navigation of several pages.
@Feb 2024