Python Library for reading temperature data from the TMP102 breakout board from Sparkfun.
Written for the Raspberry Pi, but should work on other Linux based computers so long as they have an i2c bus you can connect to.
- Enable I2C on your computer
- Install the smbus library (via pip)
- Add this library to your project. You can either...
Clone this repo to your project via:
git clone
Or download "" to have the code in your project base directory.
If you cloned the repo to your project, add the TMP102 object via:
from TMP102py.tmp102 import TMP102
If you added the file directly to your project, then use:
from tmp102 import TMP102
Initializing a sensor can be as easy as:
tmp = TMP102()
Or optionally, you can specify the output units (default 'C' for Celcius), sensor address (default 0x48), and i2c bus (default 1)
tmp = TMP102(units='C', address=0x48, busnum=1)
If you would like to change the output units after initialzing an object, you can use the setUnits function.
tmp.setUnits('F') #Possible inputs are C(elcius), F(arenheit), K(elvin), and R(ankine)
If you would like to get a temperature reading, then use:
5/25/17 - Creation
Most of this code is being translated from the original Sparkfun library here:
This is under the MIT License