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Matt Wagner edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

This document is still in development; nothing here should be taken as gospel .



This document details the Conductor UI style guide. It does so at the following levels:

  • overall design and philosophy
  • what a non-UI developer needs to know


Conductor shares a look-and-feel with Katello. To that end, the two projects share the converge-ui library. converge-ui contains the complete css needed to style both Katello and Conductor. Project-specific customizations are contained within the repository of the respective project.

Development Process

  • talk and talk
  • wireframes
  • UI guy provides updated stylesheets, assets, documentation as to what to do
  • developer implements

Expect back-and-forth between UI guy and developer. Issues can be raised here:

Page Layout

Design and Philosophy

Header, footer, content in the middle. Explained more below.

Developer Info

Use the following partials and put your content in the middle. Code example.


Design and Philosophy

See below + links on upper right.

Developer Info

Use the following partials, code example.


Design and Philosophy

Tabs. First one is Dashboard, next are groupings of entity sections (Content -> Images, Deployments, etc). Tabs that can’t be accessed by user should disappear?

Developer Info

Use this partial; this is how you add a navigation component; this is how you do a permission check on a nav component.


Design and Philosophy

TBD (contextual or no?)

Developer Info

Use this partial, make sure your controller calls these methods.

Header Notifications

Design and Philosophy


Developer Info

Use this partial, make sure your controller calls these methods.


Split into dashboard and entity sections.


Design and Philosophy


  • Important info (important actions should always be just one/two clicks away)
  • if no relevant info, then text suggesting actions to the user (“no provider accounts; click here to. . .”)

Developer Info

Here’s how you create a portlet!

Entity Sections

Design and Philosophy

Should all follow similar guidelines, to ease use.

  • Each entity section should be operable independently
  • Index page; list of items, stats on a different page
  • Show page
  • Workflows (one workflow only; if you need to hook in, you hook into that workflow)
  • related entity lists and actions

Developer Info

  • Index should do X using Y
  • Show page should do Z using A
  • Workflow, form information


Design and Philosophy

What should you do?

Developer Info

Sample, link to library


Design and Philosophy


Developer Info

Use this partial

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