The Admin panel tutorial
To enter admin panel add /wp-admin to URL. Login:whoopeefeed_admin Password:)L9MXY&BUWWnZE4Iqt
To manage posts go to - Menu -> All Posts
You can delete, edit or add new posts here. To add new post you need to fill 'title', 'textfield', 'featured image' and other fields. To link post to a category - choose it in 'Categories' block. After all changes were made - click 'Publish' button. The new post will be then available on the website.
Newsletter subscription
Subscription is managed by WP Subscribe widget and Mailchimp plugin. It can work with AWeber, MailChimp, FeedBurner. I've setted up the MailChimp for example. It is free and offers many letter templates. WP Subscribe subscribe form is located in footer - managed in 'Appearance -> Widgets'.
MailChimp for Wordpress: This is a subscription form that works with Popup Maker plugin. Popup Maker creates a popup window after specified time - Mailchimp is showing the form itself inside the popup. It is now set to 1.5 seconds after user first visits the site.
Mailchimp List ID: The ID is a unique number that will be linked to mailing list (could be several for different user groups). To create mailing list go to 'Lists' -> 'Create List' (
- Navigate to the Lists page.
- Click the drop-down menu next to the list you want to work with, and choose Settings.
- Scroll to find the unique List ID field. The string of letters and numbers is the list ID. See this link (
You can test the plugin now subscribing to newsletter on the website. The email you entered should appear in the mailing list.
To create newsletter go to 'Campaigns' and follow the simple steps.
All plugins installed in development process:
- Category Family Tree - for showing the subcategories
- EWWW Image Optimizer - to optimize site speed
- MailChimp for Wordpress - newsletter
- Popup Maker - subscription popup
- WP Subscribe - subscription plugin
- Yoast SEO - for SEO optimization