- 2021- Fall&Spring, ME5400/ME5140, Thermofluids engineering
- 2021 Spring, 2023 Fall ME6010, Introduction to turbulence
- 2023 Spring ME3240 Engineering thermodynamics
- 2023 Fall, CD1100, Innovation Challenges in Engineering and Science (w/ Rubén Fernández), iGea program
- 2021 Spring,2022 Spring, ME3130, Statics
- 2020 Winter, TA MAE119 Introduction to Renewable Energy: Solar and Wind, Prof. Jan Kleissl
- 2020 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- 2019 Winter, TA MAE123 Intro/Transport in Porous Media, Prof. Jan Kleissl
- 2015 Fall. Co-Instructor with Claudia Mac-Lean, EI2001 Sustainability projects for a circular economy
- 2015 Fall. TA ME5601 Mechanical systems design, Prof. Roberto Corvalán
- 2014 Spring. Instructor, ME5101 Project Workshop
- 2014 Fall. Instructor, ME3401 Kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms
- 2013 Ayudante (Grader) ME5301 Machine Lab, Prof. Kim Hauser
- 2011 Auxiliar (TA) ME56B Mechanical systems design, Prof. Juan Zagal
- 2011 Ayudante (Grader) ME3301 Fluid Mechanics, Prof. Williams Calderón
- 2008, 2009, 2010 Ayudante (Grader) MA2002 Advanced calculus and Applied Math, Math department