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Added implicit FM (BPR/WARP)
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myui committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent f4069da commit 12bdbb2
Showing 1 changed file with 250 additions and 0 deletions.
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions rtrec/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import bisect
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Optional
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

class ImplicitFactorizationMachines:
def __init__(self,
num_factors: int = 10,
learning_rate: float = 0.01,
reg: float = 0.001,
loss: str = 'bpr',
random_state: Optional[int] = None,
epsilon: float = 1.0):
Factorization Machines for implicit feedback, inspired by LightFM.
num_factors (int): Number of latent factors.
learning_rate (float): Learning rate for updates.
reg (float): Regularization parameter.
loss (str): Loss function to use ('bpr' or 'warp').
random_state (Optional[int]): Random seed for reproducibility.
epsilon (float): Smoothing term for AdaGrad.
self.num_factors = num_factors
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.reg = reg
self.loss = loss.lower()
assert self.loss in {'bpr', 'warp'}, "Loss must be 'bpr' or 'warp'"
self.random_state = random_state
self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_state)

self.user_factors = None
self.item_factors = None

# AdaGrad caches
self.adagrad_cache_user = None
self.adagrad_cache_item = None
self.epsilon = epsilon

def fit(self, interactions: csr_matrix, epochs: int = 10) -> None:
Fits the model to the provided interaction data.
interactions (csr_matrix): User-item interaction matrix (implicit feedback).
epochs (int): Number of training epochs.
num_users, num_items = interactions.shape
if self.user_factors is None:
self.user_factors = self.rng.normal(0, 0.01, (num_users, self.num_factors))
if self.item_factors is None:
self.item_factors = self.rng.normal(0, 0.01, (num_items, self.num_factors))

# Initialize AdaGrad caches
self.adagrad_cache_user = np.zeros_like(self.user_factors)
self.adagrad_cache_item = np.zeros_like(self.item_factors)

for epoch in range(epochs):
for user in range(num_users):
user_interactions = interactions[user].indices
if len(user_interactions) == 0:

for pos_item in user_interactions:
if self.loss == 'bpr':
self._update_bpr(interactions, user, pos_item)
elif self.loss == 'warp':
self._update_warp(interactions, user, pos_item)

def partial_fit(self, interactions: csr_matrix, users: np.ndarray, items: np.ndarray) -> None:
Incrementally fits the model to new interaction data, considering new users and items.
interactions (csr_matrix): User-item interaction matrix (implicit feedback).
users (np.ndarray): Array of user indices to update.
items (np.ndarray): Array of item indices to update.
num_users, num_items = interactions.shape

for user, pos_item in zip(users, items):
# Ensure user and item factors are initialized for new users/items
while user >= self.user_factors.shape[0]:
new_user_factors = self.rng.normal(0, 0.01, (1, self.num_factors))
self.user_factors = np.vstack((self.user_factors, new_user_factors))
self.adagrad_cache_user = np.vstack((self.adagrad_cache_user, np.zeros((1, self.num_factors))))

while pos_item >= self.item_factors.shape[0]:
new_item_factors = self.rng.normal(0, 0.01, (1, self.num_factors))
self.item_factors = np.vstack((self.item_factors, new_item_factors))
self.adagrad_cache_item = np.vstack((self.adagrad_cache_item, np.zeros((1, self.num_factors))))

if self.loss == 'bpr':
self._update_bpr(interactions, user, pos_item)
elif self.loss == 'warp':
self._update_warp(interactions, user, pos_item)

def _update_bpr(self, interactions: csr_matrix, user: int, pos_item: int) -> None:
def _sample_negative(self, interactions: csr_matrix, user: int) -> int:
"""Samples a random negative item for a given user using binary search and random number generation."""
num_items = interactions.shape[1]
positives = interactions[user].indices # Already sorted as per the csr_matrix format
while True:
# Generate a random item index
item = self.rng.integers(0, num_items)
# Check if the item is not in the positives list using binary search
idx = bisect.bisect_left(positives, item)
if idx == len(positives) or positives[idx] != item:
return item

"""Performs an update using the BPR loss with AdaGrad."""
neg_item = self._sample_negative(interactions, user)

user_factors = self.user_factors[user]
pos_factors = self.item_factors[pos_item]
neg_factors = self.item_factors[neg_item]

x_uij = user_factors @ (pos_factors - neg_factors)
dloss = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x_uij)) # Sigmoid

# Compute gradients
grad_user = (pos_factors - neg_factors) * dloss + self.reg * user_factors
grad_pos = user_factors * dloss + self.reg * pos_factors
grad_neg = -user_factors * dloss + self.reg * neg_factors

# Update AdaGrad cache for user and items
self.adagrad_cache_user[user] += grad_user**2
self.adagrad_cache_item[pos_item] += grad_pos**2
self.adagrad_cache_item[neg_item] += grad_neg**2

# Calculate learning rates
user_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_user[user] + self.epsilon))
pos_item_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_item[pos_item] + self.epsilon))
neg_item_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_item[neg_item] + self.epsilon))

# Apply updates
self.user_factors[user] += user_lr * grad_user
self.item_factors[pos_item] += pos_item_lr * grad_pos
self.item_factors[neg_item] += neg_item_lr * grad_neg

def _update_warp(self, interactions: csr_matrix, user: int, pos_item: int) -> None:
"""Performs an update using the WARP (Weighted Approximate-Rank Pairwise) loss with AdaGrad."""
num_items = interactions.shape[1] # Total number of items
pos_item_vector = self.item_factors[pos_item] # Vector for the positive item
user_vector = self.user_factors[user] # Vector for the user

# Compute the prediction for the positive item
positive_prediction = user_vector @ pos_item_vector

# Set the number of negative samples to try and initialize the sampled count
sampled = 0
while sampled < self.max_sampled:
sampled += 1
# Sample a random negative item ID
neg_item = self.rng.randint(0, num_items)

# Ensure the sampled negative item isn't already interacted with by the user
if neg_item in interactions[user].indices:

# Compute the negative item vector
neg_item_vector = self.item_factors[neg_item]

# Compute the prediction for the negative item
negative_prediction = user_vector @ neg_item_vector

# If the negative prediction is greater than the positive prediction minus a margin, continue
if negative_prediction > positive_prediction - 1:
# Calculate the loss and apply a numerical stability cap
loss = self.weight * np.log(max(1.0, (num_items - 1) // sampled))

# Cap loss to avoid numerical overflow
loss = min(loss, self.max_loss)

# Perform the WARP update
self._warp_update(loss, user, pos_item, neg_item, user_vector, pos_item_vector, neg_item_vector)

def _warp_update(self, loss: float, user: int, pos_item: int, neg_item: int, user_repr: np.ndarray, pos_item_repr: np.ndarray, neg_item_repr: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Performs a gradient update step for WARP with AdaGrad."""
# Compute gradients for user and item factors
grad_user = (pos_item_repr - neg_item_repr)
grad_pos = user_repr - neg_item_repr
grad_neg = -user_repr

# Update AdaGrad caches
self.adagrad_cache_user[user] += grad_user**2
self.adagrad_cache_item[pos_item] += grad_pos**2
self.adagrad_cache_item[neg_item] += grad_neg**2

user_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_user[user] + self.epsilon))
pos_item_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_item[pos_item] + self.epsilon))
neg_item_lr = self.learning_rate / (np.sqrt(self.adagrad_cache_item[neg_item] + self.epsilon))

# Apply parameter updates
self.user_factors[user] -= user_lr * grad_user
self.item_factors[pos_item] -= pos_item_lr * grad_pos
self.item_factors[neg_item] -= neg_item_lr * grad_neg

def predict(self, user: int, items: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Predicts the scores for a user and a set of items.
user (int): User index.
items (np.ndarray): Array of item indices.
np.ndarray: Predicted scores for the items.
return self.user_factors[user] @ self.item_factors[items].T

def predict_all(self, user: int) -> np.ndarray:
Predicts the scores for all items for a given user.
user (int): User index.
np.ndarray: Predicted scores for all items.
return self.user_factors[user] @ self.item_factors.T

def recommend(self, user_id: int, interactions: csr_matrix, top_k: int = 10, exclude_seen: bool = True) -> List[int]:
Recommend top-K items for a given user.
user_id (int): ID of the user (row index in interactions).
interactions (csr_matrix): User-item interaction matrix.
top_k (int): Number of recommendations to return.
exclude_seen (bool): Whether to exclude items the user has already interacted with.
List of recommended item indices.
if exclude_seen:
num_items = interactions.shape[1]
seen_items = interactions[user_id].indices
candidate_items = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(num_items), seen_items)
scores = self.predict(user_id, candidate_items)
scores = self.predict_all(user_id)

# Get the top-K items by sorting the predicted scores in descending order
top_items = candidate_items[np.argsort(-scores)][:top_k]
return top_items

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